Volume V Part 48 (1/2)
”His hand will be examined, and if it is found to be just the sao”
”I don't understand that, so kindly explain How do they recognize a dangerous hand?”
”If it is found to be marked already, it is a proof that he has killed his , 'Take care not to kill anyone else, for if you do you will be hanged'”
”But supposing such a ht to shew his hand, and then his adversary would let hi himself; and if he kills hiswitnesses to swear that he was obliged to fight”
”Since fighting with the fist may cause death, I wonder it is allowed”
”It is only allowed for a wager If the coround before the fight, and there is a death, the ed”
”What laws! Whatthe reat and so little
The noble lord came to dinner, and I treated hih there were only the two of us, thetime, as I was anxious for additional infor, especially on the Betting Club The worthy Pe to do with it, unless I made up my mind to keep perfect silence for four or five weeks
”But supposing they ask me a question?”
”Evade it”
”Certainly, if I aive my opinion; but if I have an opinion, the powers of Satan could not shut my mouth”
”All the worse for you”
”Are the members knaves?”
”Certainly not They are noblemen, philosophers, and epicures; but they are pitiless where a bet is concerned”
”Is the club treasury rich?”
”Far from it; they are all ashamed to pay a fine, and prefer to bet Who will introduce you?”
”Quite so; through Lord Spencer, who is a member I would not becouet in”
”By the way, M de Seingalt, do you know that you are a very extraordinary man?”
”For what reason, my lord?”
”You shut yourself up for a whole month with a wo her acquaintance or even discovering her nationality All the amateurs have taken a lively interest in the affair”