Volume V Part 42 (1/2)
”As crafty as I was simple, the woain, fearing that I had found out his disguise
”'Certainly,' I replied, 'I found it out directly, but I was astonished to hear that you knew this lace-seller was a young man'
”'I did not think I should offend you, madam, I know hiht to know hio'
”'True, and it is possible that I did not know him, but why did you tell a lie when I asked you, ”Do you know that girl?”'
”'I lied to spare your feelings, ry at the part I had taken:
”'You would have honouredthe contrary When you went out, and I told him he was mad, and that you would find him on his knees when you returned, he told me you were in the secret'
”'If it be a secret, but it seems to me a mere joke:
”'I wished to think so too, but nevertheless it seeht to ed to send you away'
”'My idea was that you would have been amused, but as you take it seriously I am sorry that I have failed in my strict duty'
”So weak is a woman in love that in this explanation which should have shewn me the servant's fault in all its enoriven peace to my heart, butCount d'Al---- belonging to a noble family, but ale, and the prospect of good State employments The notion that Heaven meant me to remedy the deficiencies in his fortune made me fall into a sweet reverie, and at last I foundthat my maid who put it all down as a jest had more wit than I I blamed myself for my scrupulous behaviour, which seeht, and this is uide or counsel me
”But after sunshi+ne comes shadow My soul was like the ebb and tide of the sea, now in the heights and now in the depths The resolve, which the count seemed to have taken, to see me no more, either shewed him to be a man of little enterprise or little love, and this supposition humiliated me 'If,' I said tohim a madman, he can have no delicacy and no discretion; he is unworthy of my love'
”I was in this dreadful state of uncertainty when my maid took upon herself to write to the count that he could couise He followed her advice, and one fine , and told me that the lace-seller was in the next rooan to laugh also, though the affair was no laughing matter for me
”'Shall I shew her in? said the maid
”'Are you crazy?
”Shall I send her away?
”'No, I will go and speak to him myself'
”This day was a ain, and we had plenty of tis to one another I frankly confessed that I loved hiet him, as it was not likely that e In his turn he told land, he would die of despair unless he carried with hi me, for he said he loved ed uise, and though I could not refuse hiht be discovered
”'It is enough for er, my visits will be set down to the account of your uise is a crime in itself; your reputation will suffer, and that will not tend to bring the wish of your heart nearer'
”In spite of my objections, my heart spoke in his favour, and he pleaded so well and proladly whenever he liked to come
”Count Al---- is twenty-two, and is shorter than I; he is suise as a lace-seller it was hard to recognize hiestures and ways of wolad to be like hiuised count came to see me three or four times a week, always in my maid's room, and mostly in her presence But even if we had been perfectly alone his fear of htest liberties