Volume V Part 24 (1/2)

”You shall pay nothing at all; it would be a shame if I received any money from you You have told me you are poor, and poverty is no dishonour; well, I may tell you that I am rich, and riches are no honour save when they are used in doing good Therefore, as I said, I will pay for all”

”Very good, but I will pay for the extra horse in the carriage”

”Certainly not, and let us have no bargaining, please; it is tio to bed I will put you down at Paris without the journey costing you a farthing, and then if you like you may thank me; these are the only conditions on which I will take you Look! Mdlle Adele is laughing, that's reward enough forescaped that dreadful diligence roof”

”I see, but I hope you will not weep in e, for all sadness is an aboainst er I saw that I could not withstand the te char should be over in a couple of days Adele had beautiful blue eyes, a coled the lily and the rose, a sure still slender but full of proh enius for thus providing me with amusement on the journey

Just before we started the father came and asked if it was all the saundy or the Bourbonnais

”Certainly Do you prefer any particular route?”

”If I went through Nevers I ht be able to collect a so by the Bourbonnais”

Directly after Adele, siood day, tellingtheir belongings at the back of the carriage Seeing me busy, she asked if she could help me in any way

”No,” I replied, ”you had better take a seat”

She did so, but in a timid manner, which annoyed me, because it seemed to express that she was a dependent of ently, and made her take some coffee withinto the carriage when a man came and told me that the la were not done to theood repair in the course of an hour I was in a terrible rage, and called Clairan to scold hio, and that the ht have the task of repairing them

He had hit it off exactly I had heard of the trick before, and I called out to the an to kick hi, and the noise brought up the landlord and five or six of his people Everybody said I was in the right, but all the same I had to waste two hours as it would not have been prudent to travel without lamps

Another lahed at the rascally trick his fellow-tradesman had played me

”Can I imprison the rascal?” I said to the landlord ”I should like to have the satisfaction of doing so, were it to cost me two Louis”

”Two Louis! Your honour shall be attended to in a e, and did not notice Adele, as quite afraid of me A police official came up to take my information, and examine witnesses, and to draw up the case

”How much is your time worth, sir?” he asked me

”Five louis”

With these words I slid two louis into his hand, and he iainst the la,--

”Your ain at the prospect of vengeance I then begged Mdlle Adele's pardon, who asked ht have led to so that the rascal was in prison, and that everyone said I was right

”I ae,” said he

”You saw him, did you?”

”No, but that's of no consequence, as everybody is sure he did it”