Volume V Part 14 (2/2)
When we had finished supper, Marcoline took up her old position by the countess's bed, and they talked so volubly to one another that nobody else could get in a word
When politeness badeto sleep with the countess As the latter laughingly assented, I refrained fro my madcap that she was too forward, and I could see by their reed in the uarantee the sex of the countess's bed-fellow, but she answered,
”Never ainer”
This struck me as rather free, but I was not the man to be scandalized
I was amused at the tastes of my fair Venetian, and at the ratify them as she had done at Genoa with my last niece As a rule the Provencal wo them I like them all the better for it
The next day I rose at day-break to hurry on the right, and when the as done I asked if the countess were visible Directly after Marcoline caed me to excuse the countess, as she could not receive me in her present extremely scanty attire; ”but she hopes that whenever you are in these parts you will honour her and her house by your company, whether you are alone or with friends”
This refusal, gilded as it as a bitter pill for ust, as I could only put it down to Marcoline's doings; she seeh spirits, and I did not like to entle a Louis in the hands of all the servants ere present I took my leave
I kissed Marcoline affectionately, so that she should not notice my ill huht
”Capitally,” said she ”The countess is charht with the tricks of two amorous women”
”Is she pretty or old?”
”She is only thirty-three, and, I assure you, she is as pretty as my friend Mdlle Crosin I can speak with authority foreach other in a state of nature”
”You are a singular creature; you were unfaithful to ht by ive me, and I had to sleep with her as she was the first to declare her love”
”Really? Hoas that?”
”When I gave her the first of my kisses she returned it in the Florentine ues gestive caresses, but shethe night with her Look, this will shew you how pleased she was”
With these words Marcoline drew a superb ring, set with brilliants, froer I was astonished
”Truly,” I said, ”this woave ht have vied with Sappho) a hundred kisses, and forgave her her infidelity
”But,” I remarked, ”I can't think why she did not want me to see her; I think she has treated me rather cavalierly”
”No, I think the reason was that she was asha made me unfaithful to him; I had to confess that ere lovers”
”Maybe At all events you have been well paid; that ring is worth two hundred louis:”