Volume IV Part 103 (2/2)

The situation in which I found myself is impossible to describe I deplored the prejudice which had constraineda toilette which was extremely necessary, and returned to her roohted to see you back,” said she, ”I am full of the poetic frenzy and propose to tell the story of the victory we have gained in verse”

”A sad victory, abhorred by love, hateful to nature”

”That will do nicely Will each write a poem; I to celebrate the victory and you to deplore it But you look sad”

”I am in pain; but as the masculine anatomy is unknown to you, I cannot explain matters”

Clementine did not reply, but I could see that she was affected I suffered a dull pain in that part which prejudice had ive it perfect freedo which would restore the balance of my constitution

We went down to dinner, but I could not eat I could not attend to the reading of the translation which M Vigi had brought with hied the count to hold the bank for me, and asked the company to allow me to lie down; nobody could tell as the ht have her suspicions

At supper-tiht me a delicate cold collation, and told me that the bank had won It was the first time it had done so, for I had always taken care to play a losing gaood supper, but remained still melancholy and silent

When I had finished Cle to write her poem

I, too, was in the vein: I finished my poem, andCleave h I suspect that the delight ave was equal to mine

Then ca I noticed that the picture ofa profound i tears rolled down her cheeks, and frolances When I had finished, I had the happiness of hearing her say that if she had known that part of physiology better, she would not have behaved so

We took a cup of chocolate together, and I then begged her to lie down beside , and to treat ht have so in reed, on the condition that I should do nothing to her

It was a cruel condition, but it was the beginning of victory, and I had to submit I had no reason to repent of my submission, for I enjoyed the despotism she exercised onto her, whilst I would not let her see the charms which she held in her hands In vain I excited her to satisfy herself, to refuse her desires nothing, but she persisted in o any further

”Your enjoyreat as mine,” said I But her subtle wit never left her without a reply

”Then,” said she, ”you have no right to ask me to pity you”

The test, however, was too sharp for her She leftthat in love we , eating, and walking, and in converse grave and gay I could not see, however, thatseemed to indicate She wanted to reverse theof Lois, ”I possess her, but she does not possessher master I ventured to bewail my fate a little, but that did not seem to advance my cause

Three or four days after, I asked Clementine in the presence of her sister to let me lie in bed beside her This is the test proposed to a nun, a , a girl afraid of consequences, and it nearly always succeeds I took a packet of fine English letters and explained their use to her She took thehter declared the, horrible in which anathema her sister joined In vain I tried to plead their utility in defence, but Cle thely that it burst with a loud crack I had to give way, and put my specialties in s ht, and retired in soe resistance, which could only mean that I had not inspired her with sufficient love I resolved on overco her by an almost infallible method I would procure her pleasures that were new to her without sparing expense I could think of nothing better than to take the whole faive them a sumptuous banquet at my pastry-cook's ”I will take the a word about our destination till we are on our way, for if I were to naht feel bound to tell his Spanish countess, that shethe acquaintance of her sisters-in-law, and this would vex reat treat to the sisters, who had never been in Milan, and I resolved to make the expedition as splendid as I possibly could

When I awoke the nextI wrote to Zenobia to buy three dresses of the finest Lyons silk for three young ladies of rank I sent the necessaryThe Countess Ambrose's dress was to be white satin with a rich border of Valenciennes lace I also wrote to M Greppi, asking him to pay for Zenobia's purchases I told her to take the three dresses to ive the landlord a note I enclosed This note ordered hi expense On the day and hour appointed, Zengbia was to be at the pastrycook's ready to wait on the three ladies I sent the letter by Clair a note fro me that all my wishes should be carried out After dessert I broached ive a party like the one at Lodi, but on two conditions: the first, that no one was to know our destination till ere in the carriages, and the second, that after dinner we should return to St Angelo

Out of politeness the countess looked at her husband before accepting the invitation, but he cried out, without cereo if I took the whole faht o'clock to-es are ordered”

I felt obliged to include the canon, because he was a great courtier of the countess, and also because he lost oing to pay for the expedition That evening he lost three hundred sequins, and was obliged to ask race to pay thehim that all I had was at his service