Volume IV Part 91 (2/2)

”I cannot say precisely, but I believe I gave each an equal share”

”That is so I think it is wonderful how you could do it”

”I have done it a thousand tiers intoup thirty sequins I would bet I gave you each froht to forty sequins”

”Forty exactly It's wonderful We shall remember this masqued ball”

”I don't think anybody will imitate us,” said the marquis

”No,” said the cousin, ”and ould not dare to wear the saain”

We put on our o out After numerous little jocularities with the harlequins, especially the fe up to her as aardly as I could I asked her to dance with me

”You are the Pierrot who broke the bank?” she said

I answered the question in the affirmative by a nod

I danced like a round and never actually doing so

When the dance was over, I offered herby hireat when I took off ave M Greppi Canano's cheque, and as soon as he had handed ain with my mask off, much to the astonishment of the inquisitive, who had made sure that the marquis was I

Towards the end of the ball I went away in a sedan-chair, which I stopped near the door of an hotel, and a little further on I took another which brought me to the door of the pastry-cook's I found Zenobia in bed She said she was sure I would coot into bed with this Venus of a woman She was absolute perfection I am sure that if Praxiteles had had her for a model, he would not have required several Greek beauties from which to coure should be the property of a sorry tailor

I stripped her naked, and after due contemplation I made her feel how ave ot I had her entirely to myself for the first time

When we heard the trot of four horses we rose and put on our clothes in a twinkling

When the charars came in, I told them that I should be able to help in their toilette as they had not to change their cheaze was fixed all the while on Mdlle Q---- I adhted to see that she was not miserly in their display

After Zenobia had done her hair she left her to me, and went to attend on the others She allowedtowards a large rent in her chemise, which let me see almost the whole of one of her beautiful breasts

”What are you going to do with this cheh at our silliness We have deter we have had My brother will bring it all to the house Are you co?”

”If I ise I should avoid you”

”And if I ise I shouldn't ask you to come”

”That is fairly answered! Of course I will come; but before we part may I ask one kiss?”

”Say two”