Volume IV Part 81 (2/2)
”No, no; there can be nothing of that kind between men of the world, who know the world's worth”
”We are agreed there, at all events”
”By the way, I hear you have decided on selling ed to you, and will give you the fifteen thousand livres whenever you like”
”You can co”
He then proceeded to tellthe opportunity, I said,--
”When I was in church the other day I sao exquisite beauties A man at my side told me they were cousins, the Marchionesses Q---- and I----, I think he said Do you know them? I am quite curious to hear about the It's not very difficult to obtain access to theirls, as I have not heard their names in connection with any scandal However, I know that Mdlle F has a lover, but it is a great secret; he is the only son of one of the noblest of our families Unfortunately, they are not rich; but if they are clever, as I aood et someone to introduce you there”
”I haven't et the seen theed to you for your kind offer”
After the ballet I went into the assembly-room and I heard ”there he is” several times repeated as I came in The banker made me a bow, and offered me a place next to him I sat down and he handed me a pack of cards I punted, and with such inveterate bad luck that in less than an hour I lost seven hundred sequins I should probably have lost all the o away He gave the cards to a ot into bed directly, so as not to be obliged to concealBarbaro caht to sequestrate his pay by way of surety I do not think I should have had the heart to exercise , but I liked to have some control over him When I went out I called on Greppi, and took two thousand sequins in gold
Hu--Faro Conquest of The Fair Irene--Plan for a Masquerade
On my return I found the count with one of theme to send the dress, which I did directly
”The marquis will dine with us,” said the count, ”and, no doubt, he will bring the money with him for this treasure”
”You think it a treasure, then?”
”Yes, fit for a queen to wear”
”I wish the treasure had the virtue of giving you a crown; one head-dress is as good as another”
The poor devil understood the allusion, and as I liked hi humiliated him unintentionally, but I could not resist the te that as soon as I got the money for the dress I would take it to the countess
”I have spoken to her about it,” said he, ”and your proposal h; but I am sure she will make up her mind when she finds herself in possession of the dress”
It was a Friday The marquis sent in an excellent fish dinner, and came himself soon after with the dress in a basket The present was made with all ceremony, and the proud countess was profuse in her expressions of thanks, which the giver received coolly enough, as if accusto However, he ended by the noremark that if she had any sense she would sell it, as everybody knew she was too poor to wear it This suggestion by no means met with her approval She abused hireat fool to give her a dress which he considered unsuitable to her
They were disputing warlio was announced As soon as she came in her eyes were attracted by the dress, which was stretched over a chair, and finding it superb she exclaimed,