Volume IV Part 26 (1/2)
”I find you bound, while I aain; you had kindled the old fires I am the same to you as I was at Ancona I have proved as uess how sad I feel at your decree that I am to enjoy you no more I find that you are not only married but in love with your husband Alas! I have come too late, but if I had not stayed at Genoa I should not have been more fortunate You shall know all in due ti I suppose your husband knows nothing of our connection, and my best plan will be to be reserved, will it not?”
”Yes, dearest, for he knows nothing of lad to say he shews no curiosity respecting them Like everybody else, he knows I made my fortune at Naples; I told him I went there when I was ten years old That was an innocent lie which hurts nobody; and in ive way to lies I give myself out as only twenty-four, how do you think I look?”
”You look as if you were telling the truth, though I know you must be thirty-two”
”You mean thirty-one, for when I knew you I couldn't have been ht you were fifteen at least”
”Well, I ht admit that between ourselves; but tell me if I look more than twenty-four”
”I swear to you you don't look as old, but at Naples”
”At Naples soht be able to contradictfor what ought to be the sweetest moment of your life”
”What is that, pray?”
”Allow me to keep my own counsel, I want to enjoy your surprise How are you off? If you want ave s toI have fifty thousand ducats at Naples, and an equal sum in diamonds Tell ”
Such a woman was Therese I was deeply moved, and was about to throwwhen the chocolate cairl of exquisite beauty, who carried three cups of chocolate on a silver-gilt dish While we drank it Palesi a us with nized the man who made him rise at such an early hour as the saht before Therese and I laughed till our sides ached, the story was told so wittily and pleasantly This Roman displeased me less than I expected; his jealousy seemed only put on for form's sake
”At ten o'clock,” said Theresa, ”I have a rehearsal here of the new opera You can stay and listen if you like I hope you will dine with us every day, and it will give reat pleasure if you will look upon my house as yours”
”To-day,” said I, ”I will stay with you till after supper, and then I will leave you with your fortunate husband”
As I pronounced these words M Palesi e to his enjoying his rights as a husband
He was between the ages of twenty and twenty-two, of a fair complexion, and well-made, but too pretty for ain love with him, for I knew too well the power of a handso hihts which may become troublesome
Therese's pretty e was at the door
”Will you allow me,” said I to her, ”to have my footman in?”
”Rascal,” said I, as soon as he cae?”
”nobody, sir, but I know uessed as much”
”Go and fetch Le Duc, and come back with him”
When they arrived I told Le Duc to pay the ies, to strip hiet ifted with the faculty of divination, but who kne to obey his master's orders The rascal was much perturbed at the result of his officiousness, and asked Therese to plead for him; but, like a sensible woe of the value of his services
At ten o'clock all the actors and actresses arrived, bringing with them a reetings graciously, and I could see she enjoyed a great reputation The rehearsal lasted three hours, and wearied me extremely To relieveme any particulars of my acquaintance with his wife I saw that he kne to behave in the position in which he was placed