Volume IV Part 14 (1/2)

”Think no more of your mother, dearest one You look like a lady of quality, and I shall be quite proud when the people at Genoa ask hter”

”At Genoa?”

”Yes, at Genoa Why do you blush?”

”From surprise; perhaps I otten”

”Would you like to stay here better?”

”No, no! Love me and be sure that I love you and for your own sake, not froht of el; let me wipe away your tears with kisses”

She fell into s of which her heart was full by weeping for sorief; she wept as tender souls, and women, more especially, often will We had a delicious supper to which I did honour for two, for she ate nothing I asked her if she was so unfortunate as not to care for good food

”I have as good an appetite as anyone,” she replied, ”and an excellent digestion You shall see for yourself when I grow more accustomed to my sudden happiness”

”At least you can drink; this wine is admirable If you prefer Greek muscat I will send for some It will re you will spare me that mortification”

”You shall have no more mortification fro your pardon for it”

”As I look upon you I feel in despair at not having known you first”

”That feeling of yours, which wells forth frorand You are beautiful and good, for you only yielded to the voice of love with the prospect of beco his wife; and when I think what you are to enius whispers in my ear that you only bear withyou”

”Indeed, that is an evil genius To be sure, if I had met you in the street I should not have fallen head over ears in love with you, like a wanton, but you would certainly have pleased me I am sure I love you, and not for what you have done forin the world for you But I don't want it to be like that, for I had rather be your debtor than for you to be uess the rest”

We were still talking on the saht struck, and my old landlord came and asked me if I were pleased

”I hted Who cooked this delicious supper?”

”My daughter”

”She understands her craft; tell her I thought it excellent”

”Yes, sir, but it is dear”

”Not too dear for me You shall be pleased with ood a supper to-h to do justice to the products of your daughter's culinary skill”

”Bed is a capital place to get an appetite Ah! it is sixty years since I have had anything to do with that sort of thing What are you laughing at, ht hich you ht, it is a pleasant recollection; and thus I a folks the peccadilloes that love makes them commit”