Volume III Part 91 (1/2)
Look! it is too large here, and too sular curve What a stupid the fellow must be, he can't know his own trade! But what is that?”
”Youand fondling, and you see the natural consequence I kneould be so”
”And you couldn't keep it back aon now I am so sorry; it is a dreadful pity”
”There is not much harm done, so console yourself”
”How can I? you are quite dead How can you laugh?”
”At your char siive me new life which I shall not lose so easily”
”Wonderful! I couldn't have believed it!”
I took off the sheath, and gave her another, which pleased her better, as it seehed for joy as she put it on She knew nothing of these wonders Her thoughts had been bound in chains, and she could not discover the truth before she knew ypt she shewed all the eagerness of an enquiring and newly e makes the sheath fall off?” said she I explained to her that such an accident could scarcely happen, and also told her of what lish , of which an to weary, we abandoned ourselves to love, then to sleep, then to love again, and so on alternately till day-break As I was leaving, the woman of the house told us that the painter had asked four louis, and that she had give two louis to her foster-son I gave her twelve, and went ho with the Marquis de Prie, but I think I should have given him some notice of my inability to come
His mistress sulked with me all dinner-time, but softened when I alloweda bank However, I found she was playing for heavy stakes, and I had to check her once or twice, which made her so cross that she went to hide her ill-temper in a corner of the hall However, the , when the taciturn Duke of Rosebury, his tutor Smith, and two of his fellow-countrymen, arrived from Geneva He came up to an to play, inviting his co ony I sent Le Duc to my room for the cash-box, whence I drew out five rolls of a hundred louis each The Marquis de Prie said, coolly, that he wouldn't ed to be excused He continued punting without see to be offended at my refusal and when I put down the cards and rose from the table he had o hundred louis; but all the others had lost, especially one of the Englishmen, so that I had made a profit of a thousand louis The ive hi, and I replied that I should be glad to see him I replaced e, pleased with the day's work and feeling inclined to crown it with love
I foundthe reason she told me that a nephew of the country-wo, had told her that he had heard from a lay-sister of the same convent, whom he knew, that two sisters would start at day-break in two days' time to fetch her; this sad news, she said, had made her tears flow fast
”But the abbess said the sisters could not start before ten days had expired”
”She ed her mind”
”Sorrow intrudes into our happy state Will you be my wife? Will you follow me to Rome and receive absolution from your vows You may be sure that I shall have a care for your happiness”
”Nay, I have lived long enough; let ood woman that if she could rely on her nephew, she would do well to send him at once to Chamberi with orders to return directly the lay-sisters started, and to endeavour to reach Aix two hours before theoutnun's alarh amorous; and on the pretext that she required rest I left her atsince I had an engagement with the marquis In due course he arrived with his mistress, two other ladies, and their husbands or lovers