Volume III Part 58 (2/2)
Furthermore, the laws of politeness would have forbiddenthe lady the place I offered him, and as he prides himself on his politeness he can raise no possible objection to the arrange--a distinction not unimportant in a husband's eyes” After this exordiuh, ”an exordium which I have delivered in the official style of a secretary of state, let us see where we are Two things are necessary for you to obtain your wished-for bliss The first thing, which concerns you more particularly, is to make M---- your friend, and to conceal from him that you have conceived a passion for his wife, and here I will aid you to the best of my ability
The second point concerns the lady's honour; all your relations with her must appear open and above-board Consider yourself under my protection; you must not even take a country house before we have found out so dust into the eyes of the observant However, you need not be anxious; I have hit upon a plan
”You must pretend to be taken ill, but your illness ed to take your word for the symptoms Luckily, I know a doctor whose sole idea is to order country air for all complaints This physician, who is about as clever as his brethren, and kills or cures as well as any of them, will come and feel my pulse one of these days You must take his advice, and for a couple of louis he rite you a prescription with country air as the chief item He will then inform everybody that your case is serious, but that he will answer for your cure”
”What is his na here? I knew him at Paris; he was Madame du Rumain's doctor”
”That is his brother Now find out some polite complaint, which will do you credit with the public It will be easy enough to find a house, and I will get you an excellent cook to ruel and beef-tea”
The choice of a coood deal of attention The saed to coed her to think of so to me, and she said she would
”My husband,” said she, ”has a very high opinion of you He has taken no offence at our coe But tell ni take ether?”
”It was the result of design, dearest” She raised her beautiful eyes and bit her lips ”Are you sorry it was so?”
”Alas! no”
In three or four days, on the day on which ere going to act L'Ecossaise, the doctor ca to see the play At dessert he coood health, on which I took the opportunity, and told hilad to consult hihted to be deceived in his estilad if he could be of any service He called on reed upon, and I told his, that I was subject to certain nocturnal irritations which made me extremely weak, especially in the reins
”Quite so, quite so; it's a troubleso, but ill see what can be done My first remedy, which you may possibly not care much for, is for you to pass six weeks in the country, where you will not see those objects which i on the seventh pair of nerves, and causing that lue which no doubt leaves you in a very depressed state”
”Yes, it certainly does”
”Quite so, quite so My next re”
”Are the baths far from here?”
”They are wherever you like I rite you a prescription, and the druggist will make it up”
I thanked him, and after he had pouched the double-louis I slipped politely into his hand, he went away assuring me that I should soon experience an i the whole town knew that I was ill and had to go into the country M de Chavigni said pleasantly at dinner to the doctor, that he should have forbiddenon the idea, added that I should above all be debarred access to certain portraits, of which I had a box-full I laughed approvingly, and begged M de Chavigni, in the presence of the coood cook, as I did not intend to takea weariso to see my lame friend, but she soon reproachedme that I had made a tool of her ”I know all,” said this ed”
”You cannot be avenged for nothing,” said I, ”for I have never done you an injury However, if you intend to have me assassinated, I shall apply for police protection”
”We don't assassinate here,” said she, savagely ”We are not Italians”
I was delighted to be relieved from the burden of her society, and henceforth Madani, who see me, made her husband believe that I was the only person who could get the Duc de Choiseul to pardon a cousin of his as in the guards, and had had the misfortune to kill his entle the friendshi+p of your rival Do you think you can e it?”
”I am not positive of success”