Volume III Part 52 (2/2)

Nevertheless, as he ht possibly take it into his head to coht-cap on the pillow, and huddled up the coverlet so as to deceive a casual glance

All my plans were successful, as I heard afterwards fro with the sentry I was getting on er a sword), and putting my loaded pistols in my pocket As soon as the darkness told me that Le Duc had put out the candle I went out softly, and reached the staircase withoutthe least noise Once there the rest was easy, for the stair led into the passage, and the passage to the ht

I stepped out along the street, and at a quarter to twelve I got to Binetti's, and found his wife looking out for me at theWhen I was in the room, whence I intended to escape, we lost no ti in the ditch below, up to the knees incord round my waist I embraced the Binetti and Baletti's wife, who lowered ently as possible

Baletti received reat coat I followed his footsteps We strode through the h road in a state of exhaustion, although it was not more than a hundred paces as the crow flies from where we stood to the house At a little distance off, beside a small wayside inn, we found the postchaise in which sat Baletti's servant He got out, telling us that the postillion had just gone into the inn to have a glass of beer and light his pipe I took the good servant's place, and gave hi I would e all the rest myself

It was April and, 1760--h ood or bad

I had been in the carriage for two or three minutes when the postillion caht he was speaking to the same person that he had left in the chaise, and I did not undeceive hie of it fro horses at Waldenbach” He followed ood pace, but I had a strong inclination to laugh at the face he en Baletti's servant was a youth, and slightly built; I was tall, and quite a man He opened his eyes to their utentlee when he started

”You're drunk,” said I, putting in his hand four tiet, and the poor devil did not say a word Who has not experienced the persuasive influence of money? I went on , where I was quite safe

I had eaten nothing on the way, and by the tiood supper brought to me, and then I went to bed and slept well As soon as I awoke I wrote to my three rascals I promised to wait ten days for theed the that I would publish their cowardice all over Europe if they refused to measure swords with ood-naturedLe Duc to their care, and thanking them for their friendly help

The three rascals did not cohters, both of thereeably

On the fourth day, towards noon, I had the pleasure of seeinghis portart knows you to be here, and I fear, lest the three officers ere too cowardly to accept your challenge may have you assassinated If you are wise you will set out for Switzerland forthwith”

”That's cowardly, my lad,” said I ”Don't be afraid about me, but tell me all that happened after one, sir, I carried out your instructions, and helped the poor devil of a sentry to ely dispensed with one to bed, and he locked the door as usual, and went away after shakingthe worthy man was at his post by nine o'clock, and at ten the three officers ca the ot up As they waited and waited to no purpose, they caain at noon, and told the soldier to open the door What followed aer in the -block for your head they ca You took no notice, so one of theentle shake, and the bauble fell and rolled along the floor I roared with laughter at the sight of their ah, do you, rascal? Tell us where your ive emphasis to their words they accooing to stand this sort of thing, so I told them, with an oath, that if they did not stop I should defendthem to ask the sentry

”The sentry on his part swore by all the saints that you must have escaped by the , but in spite of this a corporal was summoned, and the pooron brought up the landlord, who opened yourtheh paid by your postchaise, replying only with a grin to the officer who pretended you had given it him

”In the midst of the tumult a superior officer cah the , and ordered the sentry to be set at liberty on the spot Then ca and answered all questions by 'I don't know,' these gentle me I should stay there till I informed them where you, or at least your effects, could be found

”The next day one of them came to the prison, and told me that unless I confessed I should undoubtedly be sent to the galleys

”'On the faith of a Spaniard,' I answered, I know nothing, but if I did it would be all the same to you, for no one can make an honest servant betray his ive me a taste of the lash, and after this had been done I was set at liberty

”My back was so done my duty, and I went back and slept at the inn, where they were glad to seeeveryone knew you were here and had sent a challenge to the three sharpers, but the universal opinion was that they were too knowing to risk their lives byyou to leave Furstenburg, as they ht very likely have you assassinated The landlord sold your chaise and your mails to the Austrian ambassador, who, they say, let you escape from ain the apartment occupied by hishere

”Three hours after Le Duc's arrival I took post and went to Schaffhaus, and from there to Zurich, with hired horses, as there are no posts in Switzerland At Zurich I put up at the 'Sward,' an excellent inn

”After supper, powdering over my arrival in Zurich where I had dropped froan, to reflect seriously upon my present situation and the events of my past life I recalledin concluding that all I had suffered was through my own fault, and that when fortune would have crowned me with happiness I had persistently trifled that happiness away I had just succeeded in escaping froht have perished, or at least have been overwhelht I resolved to be no , but to escape entirely from her hands I calculated my assets and found I was possessed of a hundred thousand crowns 'With that,' said I, 'I can live secure aes and chances of this life, and I shall at last experience true happiness'”

I went to bed pondering over these fancies, andin a retired spot aht I was surrounded on all sides by a fair expanse of country which belonged to ive My drea at day-break cainary bliss I had enjoyed had so taken my fancy that I could not rest till I realized it I arose, dressedwhere I was going

I walked on and on, absorbed in contemplation, and did not really awake till I foundforward I reached a valley surrounded by mountains on all sides, and in the distance a fine church, attached to a pile of buildings, uessed it to be a monastery, and I made my way towards it