Volume III Part 38 (1/2)

In the beginning of November I sold shares for fifty thousand francs to aup to hi a er chosen by hi the deed I received the ht the doctor, my warehouseht that this robbery could not have been effected without the connivance of the painter

This loss was a serious blow tointo an e touch to my misfortunes, Gamier had me served with a summons to repay him the fifty thousand francs My ansas that I was not liable, that his ree one of the company would have to share in the loss As he persisted in his claireeappropriated the iven hi, but he was an old man, and that course would not have iven surety for the doctor was not to be found; he had become bankrupt

Garnier had all es, and all my private property

While these troubles were harassing reat expense, and replaced them orkmen and some of my servants The painter still retained his position, which was an assured one, as he always paid himself out of the sales

My attorney was an honest st lawyers--butme that the case would soon be decided, was a rascal While the decision was pending, Garnier served me with a writ to pay the sum claimed I took it to my counsel, who promised to appeal the same day, which he did not do, while he appropriated to his own use the ned by me for the costs of an action which, if there had been justice in France, I should certainly have gained Two other suoing on a warrant was issued for , as I was driving along the Rue St Denis The sergeant of police sat beside ot up beside the coachman, and a third stationed himself at the back of the coach, and in this state we drove to Fort l'Eveque

As soon as the police had handed aoler, he inforiving good bail, I ain my freedom

”For the moment,” said I, ”I can neither coood, then you will stay in prison”

The gaoler tookroom, and I told him I had only been served with one writ

”Very likely,” answered he, ”it often happens like that; but it is rather difficult to prove”

”Bring er at my disposal”

I wrote to my counsel, my attorney, to Mada my brother, as just married The attorney called i to the effect that as he had put in an appeal ht be recovered He ended by begging ive him a free hand, and to have patience for a few days

Manon Baletti sent her brother with her dias Madame du Rumain dispatched her barrister--a man of rare honesty--to me, and wrote a friendly note in which she said that if I wanted five hundred louis I should have them to-morrow My brother neither wrote nor came to see me As to dear Madame d'Urfe she sent to say that she would expect onefun of me

At eleven o'clock , and offering me all his shop held I was touched by the worthy man's kindness At last I was told that a lady in a coach wanted to see me I waited, but nobody came In my impatience I called the turnkey, who told one away again Froiven I had no difficulty in identifying the lady with Madame d'Urfe

To find reeable shock to h my present situation was not to be compared with that, I cursed e my reputation I had thirty thousand francs in hard cash and jewels tosuch a sacrifice, in spite of the advice given by Madaot out of prison at any cost

”All you have to do,” said the barrister, ”is to deposit half the suive to the clerk of the court, and in a short time I can promise a decision in your favour and the restoration of your aoler entered, and said, very politely,

”Sir, you are a freefor you at the door in her carriage”

I called Le Duc, o and see who the lady was He returned with the information that it was Madame d'Urfe I reeable hours of i in a splendid coach

Madae as in the carriage apologized for his country, where strangers were exposed to such insults I thanked Madalad to becoenerosity She replied with a pleasant smile that she was not so sure of that, and that ould talk it over at dinner

She wanted o and walk in the Tuileries and the Palais Royal, to convince people that the report of ht the advice excellent, and as I set out I promyself by the astonishment depicted on certain faces well known to ave an astonished but a happy cry when she saw iven me of her attachment, and said that I had been arrested by a plot for which I wouldto spend the evening with theood lady, whose foible is well known to enius had told her that I had got myself arrested to be talked about, for reasons which were known only to myself

”As soon as I was informed of your arrest,” said she, ”I went to the Fort l'Eveque, and on learning from the clerk what the affair was about, I deposited bonds to bail you out If you are not in a position to have justice done you, Gamier will have to reckon with me before he takes the money I have deposited But your first step should be to coainst your counsel, who has not only failed to put in your appeal but has robbed and deceived you”