Volume III Part 2 (2/2)

”I won't leave you in doubt on the subject; look for yourself, and tell me what you think”

”Why, it's you who are the monster! I declare you an to perspire violently, and went behind her aunt's chair I did not stir, as I was sure she would soon co her down in my own mind as very far removed from silliness or innocence either I supposed she wished to affect what she did not possess I was,taken the opportunity so well I had punished her for having tried to ireat fancy to her, I was pleased that she seemed to like her punishment As for her possession of wit, there could be no doubt on that point, for it was she who had sustained the chief part in our dialogue, and s were all pro way in which she kept to the subject

She had not been behind her aunt's chair for fivewhoone, little silly, you are bringing entleman who so kindly offered to keep you company all by himself”

The a ”If my aunt knew,” said she, ”what you had done to me, she would not have accused me of bad manners”

”I can't tell you how sorry I am I want you to have soo Will you be offended if I do?”

”If you leave me, my aunt will call me a dreadful stupid, and will say that I have tired you out”

”Would you like o”

”Had you no idea what I shewed you was like till just now?”

”My ideas on the subject were inaccurate My aunt only took o, and I had been there since I was seven”

”How old are you now?”

”Seventeen They tried toany relish for the fooleries of the cloister I refused”

”Are you vexed with ry with you, but I knoas my fault, so I will only ask you to be discreet”

”Don't be afraid, if I were indiscreet I should be the first to suffer”

”You have given o away”

”No, keep quiet; it's done now”

I had taken her pretty hand, hich she let me do as I liked, and at last when she drew it back she was astonished to find it wanted wiping

”What is that?”

”The most pleasant of substances, which renovates the world”

”I see you are an excellent ive your lessons with such a learned air”

”Now don't be angry with o so far if your beauty had not inspired me”