Volume I Part 79 (2/2)


”Can I keep you cohtful:”

The captain went out ione I told Henriette that her friend had left us alone purposely, so as to give me the opportunity of a private intervieith her

”Tell ave hiet you, never to enquire after you; and even not to know you if he happened to meet you, from the time of our arrival in Parma, for ave hiet myself; it is only a prayer I addressed to him, a service which circumstances have coht to refusemy command As far as you are concerned, it is certain that I should have addressed the saht that you had any views about iven me some marks of your friendshi+p, but you must understand that if, under the circumstances, I am likely to be injured by the kind attentions of the captain, yours would injure me much more If you have any friendshi+p for me, you would have felt all that”

”As you know that I entertain great friendshi+p for you, you cannot possibly suppose that I would leave you alone, without money, without resources in the middle of a city where you cannot even make yourself understood Do you think that a man who feels for you the most tender affection can abandon you when he has been fortunate enough to make your acquaintance, when he is aware of the sad position in which you are placed? If you think such a thing possible, you must have a very false idea of friendshi+p, and should such a rant your request, he would only prove that he is not your friend”

”I am certain that the captain is et me”

”I do not knohat sort of affection that honest man feels for you, or how far he can rely upon the control he rant you what you have asked from him, his friendshi+p must be of a nature very different from mine, for I am bound to tell you it is not only iratification of abandoning you in your position, but even that, if I go to Parma, you could not possibly carry out your wishes, because I love you so passionately that you must promise to be o to Parma alone with the captain, for I feel that, if I accompanied you any further, I should soon be the most wretched of men I could not bear to see you with another lover, with a husband, not even in the midst of your family; in fact, I would fain see you and live with you forever Let me tell you, lovely Henriette, that if it is possible for a Frenche froood enough to decide now, and to tell me whether I am to accompany you or to remain here Answer yes or no; if I remain here it is all over I shall leave for Naples to-morrow, and I know I shall be cured in time of the mad passion I feel for you, but if you tell me that I can accompany you to Par to me alone I must be the only one to possess you, but I am ready to accept as a condition, if you like, that you shall not crown edcare Now, be kind enough to decide before the return of the too happy captain He knows all, for I have told him what I feel”

”And what did he answer?”

”That he would be happy to see you underon your lips?”

”Pray, allow h, for I have never in my life realized the idea of a furious declaration of love Do you understand what it is to say to a woht to be passionate, but at the sa terrible words:

”'Madam, make your choice, either one or the other, and decide instanter!' Ha! ha! ha!”

”Yes, I understand perfectly It is neither gentle, nor gallant, nor pathetic, but it is passionate Remember that this is a serious matter, and that I have never yet found myself so much pressed by time Can you, on your side, realize the painful position of adeeply in love, finds himself compelled to take a decision which h to re in me, I do not fail in the respect I owe you; that the resolution I intend to take, if you should persist in your original decision, is not a threat, but an effort worthy of a hero, which ought to call for your estee of you to consider that we cannot afford to lose time The word choose must not sound harshly in your ears, since it leaves my fate as well as yours entirely in your hands To feel certain ofbefore you like a si you to take pity on me? No, madam, that would certainly displease you, and it would not helpworthy of your love, I therefore ask for that feeling and not for pity Leave o away; for if you are huo far away from you so as to make my sorrow less immense

Should I follow you to Parive way towell, I beseech you; you would indeed be guilty of great cruelty, were you to answer now: 'Co of you not to see me in that city'

Confess that you cannot, in all fairness, give ht?”

”Certainly, if you truly love me”

”Good God! if I love you? Oh, yes! believe me, my love is immense, sincere! Now, decide ?”


”But are you aware that you look very angry?”

”No, for it is not so I am only in a state of uncontrollable excitement, in one of the decisive hours of ht to curse my whimsical destiny and the 'sbirri'

of Cesena (may God curse them, too!), for, without them, I should never have known you”

”Are you, then, so very sorry to have made my acquaintance?”