Volume I Part 76 (1/2)

The nextI had a call fro s that I had expected hi in the room Celi did not answer, but as soon as ere alone he said,

”How could you possibly expect my visit?”

”I will tell you my reason as soon as you have handedto do so at once'

”Here are fifty which I brought for you; you cannot demand more froood-natured I advise you not to shew yourself this evening in Count Spada's drawing-roo to uilty of such an ungenerous act”

”I have made up my mind; but now leave me”

There was a knock at ivingmy order My new visitor proved to be the first castrato of the theatre, who brought an invitation to dinner from Narici The invitation was curious, and I accepted it with a smile The castrato was narandson of a natural child of Sixtus V; it ain in fifteen years

When I made my appearance at Narici's house I saw Count Alfani, who certainly did not expect enius

He bowed to ed that I would listen to a feords in private

”Here are fifty sequins more,” he said; ”but as an honest ive them to Madame Querini But how can you hand the a her know that you have forced me to refund it? You understand what consequences such a confession ive her the money only when you have left this place; in the mean time I promise to be discreet, but be careful not to assist fortune in reeable to you”

”Double the capital of my bank, and we can be partners”

”Your proposal is an insult”

He gave me fifty sequins, and I promised to keep his secret

There was a nu men, who after dinner lost all their money I did not play, and it was a disappointment for my pretty hostess, who had invited ed me as simple as the others I reavehoise Mahoa after the opera Count Celi had the faro bank, and I lose two hundred sequins, but I could only accuse ill luck Madame Querini won The next day before supper I broke the bank, and after supper, feeling tired and well pleased hat I had won, I returned to the inn

The following , which was the third day, and therefore the last but one of eneral's I heard that his adjutant had thrown the cards in Alfani's face, and that a ed between them for twelve o'clock I went to the adjutant's roo him that there would be no blood spilt He declined my offer with uessed rightly, for Count Alfani had left for Rouests, ”I will take the bank tonight”

After dinner, being alone with Madame Querini, I told her all about Alfani, alias Celi, and handed her the fifty sequins of which I was the depositary

”I suppose,” she said, ”that by means of this fable you hope to make me accept fifty sequins, but I thank you, I aive you my word that I have coether with the fifty sequins of which he had likewise cheated me”

”Thatto inforh to allow myself to be duped, and, what is worse, cheated in such a manner”

Philosophy forbids a ood deed, but he ret such a deed when it is ainst hi, after the perfor to my promise: I lost a few sequins, but was caressed by everybody, and that isunder the hard necessity of ot quite fond of hetta, but I resisted his entreaties because I had fir I oke by a terrible noise in the passage, al out of my bed, I open my door to ascertain the cause of the uproar I see a troop of 'sbirri' at the door of a cha ainst that rabble, the plague of Italy, and against the inn-keeper who had been rascally enough to open the door

I enquire of the inn-keeper what it all entleman,” answers the scoundrel, ”who, it appears, can only speak Latin, is in bed with a girl, and the 'sbirri' of the bishop have been sent to knohether she is truly his wife; all perfectly regular If she is his wife, he has only to convince thee, but if she is not, of course he o to prison with her Yet it need not happen, for I undertake to arrange everything in a friendly e a feords with the chief of the 'sbirri', and they will all go away If you can speak Latin, you had better go in, and make him listen to reason”