Volume I Part 53 (2/2)

”I do not believe it,” she answered; ”but are they different from those I eat myself?”

”They are exactly the saredient I have just mentioned, which has been put only in redient is”

”It is a secret which I cannot reveal to you”

”Then I will never eat any of your co which, she rose, eain with chocolate drops; and for the next few days she was angry with rieved, I became low-spirited, but I could nother hair!

She enquired why I looked so sad

”Because you refuse to take my comfits”

”You are master of your secret, and I a taken you into my confidence”

And I opened my box, emptied its contents in , ”Two more doses like this, and I shall die ed for my reserve Farewell, madam”

She called me back, made me take a seat near her, and told me not to commit follies which would make her unhappy; that I kneto the effect of any drug ”To prove to you,” she added, ”that you do not require anything of the sort to be loved, here is a token of my affection” And she offered me her lovely lips, and upon them mine remained pressed until I was compelled to draw a breath I threw ratitude blinding my eyes, and told her that I would confess ive ive you, but speak quickly, and tellMy comfits contain your hair reduced to a powder Here on my arm, see this bracelet on which our names are written with your hair, and round my neck this chain of the same material, which will help me to destroy my own life when your love fails uilty of it, if I had not loved you”

She s position, she told me that I was indeed thele myself with the chain

After that conversation, in which I had enjoyed the sweet nectar of e to behave in a very different manner She could see the ardour which consumed me; perhaps the same fire burned in her veins, but I abstained froives you,” she said one day, ”the strength to control yourself?”

”After the kiss which you granted to ht not to wish any favour unless your heart gave it as freely You cannot iiven rateful iven that happiness?”

”Neither you nor I, angel of my soul! That kiss so tender, so sweet, was the child of love!”

”Yes, dearest, of love, the treasures of which are inexhaustible”

The words were scarcely spoken, when our lips were engaged in happy concert She held ainst her bosom that I could not use my hands to secure other pleasures, but I felt htful skiro any further

”Never, dearest friend, never Love is a child which must be amused with trifles; too substantial food would kill it”

”I know love better than you; it requires that substantial food, and unless it can obtain it, love dies of exhaustion Do not refuse me the consolation of hope”

”Hope as much as you please, if it makes you happy”