Volume I Part 9 (1/2)

It is said, that Danaus was a native of the city Chemmis; from whence he made his expedition to Greece. ?a?a?? ?e?t??. Herodotus. l. 2. c. 91.

Navem primus ex aegypto Danaus advexit. Pliny. l. 7. c. 56. He brought a colony with him. ?e???s? de t??? pe?? ?a?a?? ????e?ta? ????? e?e??e?, scil. e? ????pt??. Diodorus. l. 1. p. 24.

All the heads of the Dorian race from Egypt. Fa????at? a? e??te? ?? t??

????e?? ??e??e? ????pt??? ??a?e?ee?. Herodotus. l. 6. c. 53.

The Lacedaemonians esteemed themselves of the same family as the Caphtorim of Palestine: hence they surmised, that they were related to the Jews, 1 Maccabees, c. 12. v. 20, 21. Josephus: A. J. l. 12. c. 4. p. 606. Perseus was supposed to have been a foreigner. ?? de ? ?e?se?? ????? ?e?eta?, a?t??

? ?e?se?? e?? ?ss????? e?e?et? ?????. Herodotus. l. 6. c. 54.

It is said of Cadmus, that he came originally from Egypt, in company with Phnix. ?ad?? ?a? F????? ap? T??? t?? ????pt???. Euseb. Chron. p. 15.

Eusebius in another place mentions the arrival of Cadmus with a company of Satae. They founded Athens, the princ.i.p.al city of Greece: also Thebes in Botia. They were of Egypt; but he says, that they came last from Sidon. It is in a pa.s.sage, where he speaks of a former race in Attica before those of Egypt called Satae: ???? t?? et????sa?t?? ?ste??? e?e? Sa?t??, ?a?

?at????sa?t?? t?? t?? ???ad?? ?t??p???? ????a?, ?a? ta? T?a?. S?d?????

?a? ??t?? ap????? e? ?ad?? t?? ????????. Chron. p. 14. The antient Athenians wors.h.i.+pped Isis: and were in their looks, and in their manners particularly like the Egyptians. ?a? ta?? ?dea??, ?a? t??? ??es??

????tat??? e??a? t??? ????pt????. The whole of their polity was plainly borrowed from that country. Diod. Sic. l. 1: p. 24, 25, 26.

It is said by Sanchoniathon, that Cronus, in his travels over the earth in company with his daughter Athena, came to Attica; which he bestowed upon her. Euseb. P. E. lib. 1. c. 10. p. 38.

This is not unlike the account given by the Scholiast upon Lycophron concerning Cecrops: from whence the legend may receive some light. ?????

a?' (? ?e????) ap? Sae?? p??e?? ????pt?? ta? ????a? s?????se. Sa?? de ?at'

????pt???? ? ????a ?e?eta?, ?? f?s?? ?a?a?. Lycoph. v. 111. Schol.

Hence it is, that almost the whole of the mythology of Greece is borrowed from Egypt. ?a????? de, f?s?, t??? ?????a? e??d?ases?a? t??? ep?fa?estat???

????pt??? ???a? te, ?a? Te???. Diodorus. l. 1. p. 20. All their rites and ceremonies were from the same quarter.

?a??????a? de a?a, ?a? p?pa?, ?a? p??sa???a? p??t?? a????p?? ????pt???

e?s??, ?? p???sae???, ?a? pa?a t??t?? ?????e? ea???as?. Herod. l. 3. c.


?pe?ta ?????? p????? d?e????t??, ep????t? (?? ?????e?) e? t?? ????pt??

ap???e?a ta ????ata t?? Te??. Herod. l. 2. c. 52. See also l. 2. c. 4.

?a? pa?ta ta ????ata t?? Te?? e? ????pt?? e?????e e? t?? ???ada. Herod. l.

2. c. 50. Hence it is said that the Corybantes, with their mother Comba, came and settled at Athens: ???? ?ptat???? eta ?te???. Nonni Dionys. l.

13. And that the priests at Athens, styled Eumolpidae, were from Egypt.

Diodorus Siculus. l. 1. p. 25. One of the Egyptians, who brought these rites to Greece, is mentioned under the name of Melampus: as the Egyptians are, in general, under the character of Melampodes. ????s? ?a? d? ?e?ap???

est??, ? e????sae??? t?? ?????s?? ???a, ?a? t?? T?s?a?, ?a? t?? p?p??

t?? fa????. Herod. l. 2. c. 49. He is likewise said to have first introduced physic: by which this only is meant, that physic too came from Egypt.

To the same purpose may be consulted Lucian de Suria Dea. ???t?? ??

a????p?? ????pt??? ?t?. Eusebius. P. Evan. lib. 10. c. 4. p. 469. and c. 5.

p. 473. Clemens Alexand. l. 1. p. 361, 381. Diodorus Siculus. l. 1. p. 20.