Part 2 (1/2)

The following members of H.R.H.'s staff have not yet crossed the Line or had the honour of an audience with His Majesty:--

Sir G.o.dfrey Thomas, Bart. Captain the Hon. Piers Leigh. The Bears will, no doubt, attend to these gentlemen.”

Each novice upon the s.h.i.+p meanwhile received a notice summoning him to present himself at noon on the 10th April:

”Before our Court, at the Equator, in order that we may confer upon you the Freedom of the Seas, and our permission to enter the other hemisphere.”

The proceedings began after dinner over-night when the Prince and his staff accompanied the Captain to the Bridge. The lights were turned off and in the darkness one could feel the presence of the entire s.h.i.+p's company crowded upon every vantage point.

Out of the blackness from in front came the shout


with the Captain's deep

”Aye, Aye,”

in reply, as searchlights swept the sea.

_Neptune_: ”What s.h.i.+p are you?”

_Captain_: ”His Britannic Majesty's Battle-Cruiser _Renown_.”

_Neptune_: ”I wish to come on board.”

_Captain_ (to Officer of Watch): ”Stop both.” (To Neptune, shouting).

”My engines are stopped. I am sending an officer to conduct Your Majesty to my Bridge.”

Rockets went up, and in a falling shower of sparks a procession of strange figures climbed into the s.h.i.+p from over the side. Neptune, Amphitrite, judge, barber, and doctor, with attendant imps, bears, and policemen were there in the most realistic of scales, fins, mermaids'

hair and ursine fur. They carried brobdingnagian batons, razors, shaving brushes and trident. Their appearance was terrific.

The party was escorted with much formality to the Bridge, where Neptune and Amphitrite were presented to the Prince and drinks were stood to Their Majesties and the Court party, neither were there any heel-taps.

_Pourparlers_ were exchanged in ceremonial verse, Captain Taylor making the following frank explanation:

”Our business is to take a Royal Prince To see a portion of our Empire's land.

The Prince of Wales, he is our pa.s.senger Who hopes to meet your Bears and clasp your hand.”

It seemed impossible for the spirits of the deep to communicate in anything less metrical than this, and Neptune acknowledged his reception and announced his intention to hold an Invest.i.ture as well as a few other things, the following day, in the same fas.h.i.+on.

Next morning the circ.u.mstance was even more elaborate. Proceedings began upon the quarter-deck, where the ”Companions.h.i.+p of the Royal Order of the Equatorial Bath” was solemnly conferred upon the Prince, and a ”Knight Commanders.h.i.+p of the Ancient Order of the Old Sea Dog” upon Admiral Halsey. H.R.H. responded in lyrical strains which concluded:--

”I know I'm for it, King; so, boys, Don't let me keep the party waiting”--

a touch of _panache_ that was duly applauded. The Court-Martial of two selected prisoners came next to a roar from Neptune:

”And if they drown I do not care a fig.

Arrest Mountbatten and the Man called Grigg!”