Part 73 (1/2)

The Devil in Iron

Originally appeared in Weird Tales, August 1934 No changes have been made for this edition

The Phoenix on the Sword (first submitted draft)


Howard completed three drafts of The Phoenix on the Sword before he was satisfied with it

This third version ran 28 pages and was submitted to Weird Tales in early March 1932 A few days later, the editor, Farnsworth Wright, asked for so the tale: ”I hope you will see your way clear to touch it up and resubmit it It is the first two chapters that do not click The story opens rather uninterestingly, it see hiins superbly; but after King Conan's personality is well established, the chapter sags froe of the whole story e; because it seems a little weak after the stupendous events that precede it” Howard followed Wright's suggestions to the word, rewriting only the first two chapters and the beginning of the third, totaling 13 pages, and the last two pages of his story Since Wright had no objection to pages 14 to 26, Howard sies s on theated to Howard's archives The text presented in this edition is thus co with the word ”only,” page 362, line 37), followed by the Weird Tales text up to page 372, line

31 Line 32 onward are taken from Howard's draft Weird Tales' ”Thoth-Amon” has been replaced with Howard's ”Thoth-amon” and Howard's ”AEsir” with ”aesir” 353415: no comma after ”fat”; 35357: petulent; 353105: unconciously; 3531416: petulently; 353371: no comma after ”I”; 3533713: covenented; 35441: no period after ”giant” (typed to right edge of paper); 35482: fade; 354145: Seneschal; 354365: ”pala ce”; 3544013: string (typed to right edge of paper); 3551713: every; 35671: stubborness; 356167: villian;

356185: no punctuation after ”hie of paper); 356324: your's; 35716: ”an swered”; 3571917: procede; 3572014: Dont; 3591214: its; 360122: Its; 360307: vainess; 36135: lesness; 361135: concious; 361147: sylus; 372358: it; 3732415: knee (typed to right edge of paper); 3732910: ”sword” followed by a period instead of a question e

Text taken froinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been inally appeared in The Hyborian Age, Lany Corp, 1938 The booklet's ”AEsir” has been rendered as ”aesir” throughout 382251: ThePicts; 384268: impetous; 384397: impetuous;

38544: this; 385263: Thr; 386134: nothern; 386363: ”inter-married” hyphenated at line- break; 388183: subjuction; 389327: an; 390196: ”war-path” hyphenated at line break;

39115: agression; 392149: seem; 392166: auxilaries; 39384: mutined; 393141: inexhaustable; 394342 in; 397135: ”or” not in original; 397262: primitives; 398041: ”pure blooded”


Untitled synopsis (A squad of Zainal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been made for this edition

Untitled synopsis (The Scarlet Citadel)

Text taken froinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been made for this edition

Untitled synopsis (Black Colossus)

Text taken froinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been ment (The battlefield stretched silent)

Text taken froinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been : The city of Shuinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been ment (Ainal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been422

made for this edition

List of Hyborian Names and Countries

Docues have been ean, David Burton, Valentyna Shemchuk, Jack and Barbara Baum, Steve Kammer, Al Williamson, Judith Hope Hansen, and my father, Joseph H Schultz Thanks to Gary Gianni for setting the bar highThanks as always to Denise for keeping the ho; I love you Special thanks to Marcelo Anciano and Michael and Paul Berrow for the opportunity, and for their patience