Part 7 (1/2)

”That anyhis ancestors in hell,” the Ci quick flaer

”Why did you come here, if not to kill this man?” pursued Demetrio

”I came to steal,” sullenly answered the other

”To steal what?” rapped the Inquisitor

”Food,” the reply came after an instant's hesitation

”That's a lie!” snapped Demetrio ”You knew there was no food here Don't lie to me Tell me the truth or ”

The Ciesture was as fraught with s

”Save your bullying for the fools who fear you,” he growled, blue fires s in his eyes

”I's I've killed better men than you for less than this”

Dionus, who had opened his mouth to bellorath, closed it suddenly The watchlanced at De the all-powerful police thus bearded and expected a coive it He knew, if the others were too stupid to know, the steel-trapquickness of men raised beyond civilization's frontiers where life was a continual battle for existence, and he had no desire to loose the barbaric frenzy of the Cimmerian if it could be avoided Besides, there was a doubt in hisKallian,” he snapped ”But you ainst you How did you enter the Temple?”

”I hid in the shadows of the warehouse which stands behind this building,” Conan answered grudgingly ”When this dog” jerking a thumb at Arus ”passed by and rounded the corner, I50ran quickly to the wall and scaled it ”

”A lie!” broke in Arus ”No ht wall!”

”Did you ever see a Cimmerian scale a sheer cliff?” asked Deation Go on, Conan”

”The corner is decorated with carvings,” said the Ciained the roof before this dog caain I went across the roof until I came upon a trap-door which was fastened with an iron bolt that went through it and was locked on the inside I was forced to hew the bolt in tiththe thickness of that bolt, gulped involuntarily and moved further back from the barbarian, who scowled abstractedly at hiht wake soh the trap-door and came into an upper chahtway to the stair ”

”How did you knohere the stair was?” snapped the Inquisitor ”I know that only Kallian's servants, and his rich patrons were ever allowed in those upper rooed stubbornness shadowed Conan's eyes and he remained silent

”What did you do after you reached the stair?” deht down it,” muttered the Cimmerian ”It let into the chamber behind yonder curtained door As I ca opened When I looked through the hangings I saw this dog standing over the deadplace?”

”It was dark when I saw the watchht he was a thief too It was not until he jerked the watch-bell rope and lifted his bow that I kneas the watchman”

”But even so,” persisted the Inquisitor, ”why did you reveal yourself?”

”I thought perhaps he had come to steal what ” the Cimmerian checked himself suddenly as if he had said too much51

” What you had come after, yourself!” finished Demetrio ”You have told me more than you intended! You came here with a definite purpose You did not, by your own adoods are generally stored You knew the plan of the building you were sent here by so!”

”And to kill Kallian Publico!” exclaimed Dionus ”By Mitra, we've hit it! Grab hi!”