Part 12 (1/2)
”You could arrange that?” Anakin said.
”I can try.”
The turbolift car came to a rest and the door slid open.
”Welcome to the detention level,” Travale said, back in character, and shoving Obi-Wan out into the anteroom beyond.
Behind a semicircle of consoles stood five surly nonhumans - - tusked and bald-domed Quara Aqualish - - wearing Commerce Guild uniforms and sporting heavy sidearms.
”Show our two guests to cell four-eight-one-six,” Travale told the sergeant among them.
”Already occupied by the Bith - - K'sar.”
”Misery loves company,” Travale said.
Executing a crisp about-face, he returned to the turbolift. Emerged from the enclosure of display screens, a four-eyed Aqualish led Obi-Wan and Anakin into a narrow corridor lined with detention cells. Thirty meters along he stopped to enter a code into a wall-mounted touch pad, and the bloodstained door to 4816 slid open. Square and squalid, it contained neither cots nor refresher. The smell of waste was almost overpowering.
”Word of warning,” the Aqualish said in Basic, ”the quality of the cuisine is surpa.s.sed only by the cleanliness of the accommodations.”
”Then we'll hope to be released before lunch,” Obi-Wan said.
Thal K'sar was slumped in a corner, his long-fingered hands cuffed in front of him. Slender even for a Bith, he was well dressed and seemingly unharmed. Obi-Wan recalled that he had been arrested only the previous day. K'sar glanced up, but didn't return Obi-Wan's nod of greeting.
”Some fix,” Anakin said loudly when the cell sealed.
”Good job back there.” Obi-Wan played along.
”You didn't help matters any by flooring that security guard.”
”Ah, she had it coming.” Anakin ambled over to where K'sar was huddled.
”What landed you in here?” he asked.
Though surprised to hear his own language spoken by a human, K'sar kept silent. When Anakin made a second attempt, the Bith said in Basic, ”It's none of your concern. Please leave me alone.”
Anakin shrugged and joined Obi-Wan on the far side of the room.
”Patience,” Obi-Wan said quietly.
Backs pressed to the filthy wall, the two of them sank down onto their haunches. Less than a standard hour had pa.s.sed when they heard voices in the corridor. The door grated open, revealing Travale and two Aqualish security officers. Without a word, the aliens standing to either side of Travale grabbed him by the arms and hurled him headlong into the cell.
Obi-Wan caught him before he hit the floor.
”Another unexpected development?” Travale was cuffed, and rattled.
”My cover's blown,” he said quietly. ”Don't know how, or by whom.”
Anakin glanced at Obi-Wan.
”No coincidence.”
”Someone is onto us.”
Obi-Wan left it at that.
”Now what?”
”Where you able to arrange anything?” Obi-Wan asked Travale.
He nodded.
”Power failure. Brief, but more than enough time for you to get out of here.”
”Us,” Anakin amended. ”You're coming along.”
”I appreciate that.” He frowned in uncertainty. ”Hope I wasn't wrong in figuring that you two will be able to open the door... manually, I mean.”
”We can open the door,” Obi-Wan a.s.sured him.
”How long before the power fails?” Anakin asked.
”An hour from now.” Travale glanced at K'sar. ”What about him?”
Anakin stood up and crossed the room.
”I know you're not interested in small talk, but we think we may have a way out of here. Does that interest you?”
The Bith's lidless black eyes grew considerably larger.
”Yes. Yes! Thank you.”
”Just be ready.”
”Take the tunnel to the left of the guard station,” Travale was telling Obi-Wan when Anakin returned. ”Keep taking lefts until you reach a stairway, then follow that to the docking level.”
”You're going a different way?” Anakin said.
”Someone has to deactivate the tractor beam, or your s.h.i.+p's not leaving.
Two levels below this one there's a power coupling station. I know just enough to disable it temporarily.”
”You're not going alone,” Obi-Wan said.
Anakin grinned at him. ”I believe it's your turn...”
Obi-Wan didn't argue.
”That means K'sar goes with you. Don't allow him out of your sight, Anakin.”