Part 17 (2/2)
”If they intend to attack in that way, I suspect that it will be soon, for they are ready now, as we discovered. An attack on their fort was met with a ray screen from the fort.
”They fight with a wild viciousness now. They won't let a s.h.i.+p get near them. They destroy everything on sight. They seem tremendously afraid of that apparatus of yours. Too bad we had no more.”
”We will have--if you will let me get to work.”
They went to the s.h.i.+p, and entered it. Arcot senior did not follow, but the others waited, while the s.h.i.+p left Earth once more, and floated in s.p.a.ce. Immediately they went into the time-field.
They worked steadily, sleeping when necessary, and the giant strength of Torlos was frequently as great an a.s.set as his indefatigable work. He was learning rapidly, and was able to do a great deal of the work without direction. He was not a scientist, and the thing was new to him, but his position as one of the best of the secret intelligence force of Nansal had proven his brains, and he did his share.
The others, scientists all, found the operations difficult, for work had been allotted to each according to his utmost capabilities.
It was still nearly a week of their time before the apparatus was completed to the extent possible, less than a minute of normal time pa.s.sing.
Finally the una.s.sembled, but completed apparatus, was carried to the laboratory of the cottage, and word was sent to all the men of Earth that Arcot was going to give a demonstration of the apparatus he hoped would save them. The scientists from all over Earth and Venus were interested, and those of Earth came, for there was no time for the men of Venus to arrive to inspect the results.
Chapter XVII
It was night. The stars visible through the laboratory windows winked violently in the disturbed air of the Heaviside layer, for the molecular ray screen was still up.
The laboratory was dimly lighted now, all save the front of the room.
There, a ma.s.s of compact boxes were piled one on another, and interconnected in various and indeterminate ways. And one table lay in a brilliant path of illumination. Behind it stood Arcot. He was talking to the dim white group of faces beyond the table, the scientists of Earth a.s.sembled.
”I have explained our power. It is the power of all the universe--Cosmic Power--which is necessarily vaster than all others combined.
”I cannot explain the control in the time I have at my disposal but the mathematics of it, worked out in two months of constant effort, you can follow from the printed work which will appear soon.
”The second thing, which some of you have seen before, has already been partly explained. It is, in brief, artificially created matter. The two important things to remember about it are that it _is_, that it _does exist_, and that it exists _only where it is determined to exist by the control there, and nowhere else_.
”These are all coordinated under the new mental relay control. Some of you will doubt this last, but think of it under this light. Will, thought, concentration--they are efforts, they require energy. Then they can exert energy! That is the key to the whole thing.
”But now for the demonstration.”
Arcot looked toward Morey, who stood off to one side. There was a heavy thud as Morey pushed a small b.u.t.ton. The relay had closed. Arcot's mind was now connected with the controls.
A globe of cloudiness appeared. It increased in density, and was a solid, opalescent sphere.
”There is a sphere, a foot in diameter, ten feet from me,” droned Arcot.
The sphere was there. ”It is moving to the left.” The sphere moved to the left at Arcot's thought. ”It is rising.” The sphere rose. ”It is changing to a disc two feet across.” The sphere seemed to flow, and was a disc two feet across as Arcot's toneless voice of concentration continued.
”It is changing into a hand, like a human hand.” The disc changed into a human hand, the fingers slightly bent, the soft, white fingers of a woman with the pink of the flesh and the wrinkles at the knuckles visible. The wrist seemed to fade gradually into nothingness, the end of the hand was as indeterminate as are things in a dream, but the hand was definite.
”The hand is reaching for the bar of lux metal on the floor.” The soft, little hand moved, and reached down and grasped the half ton bar of lux metal, wrapped dainty fingers about it and lifted it smoothly and effortlessly to the table, and laid it there.
A mistiness suddenly solidified to another hand. The second hand joined the first, and fell to work on the bar, and pulled. The bar stretched finally under an enormous load. One hand let go, and the thud of the highly elastic lux metal bar's return to its original shape echoed through the soundless room. These men of the twenty-second century knew what relux and lux metals were, and knew their enormous strength. Yet it was putty under these hands. The hands that looked like a woman's!