Part 8 (1/2)
”Are these the changers?” asked Arcot gazing at the gigantic tubes.
”They are; each tube will handle up to a hundred thousand volts,” said Stel Felso Theu.
”But I fear, Stel Felso Theu, that these tubes will carry power only one way; that is, it would be impossible for power to be pumped from here into the power house, though the process can be reversed,” pointed out Arcot. ”Radio tubes work only one way, which is why they can act as rectifiers. The same was true of these tubes. They could carry power one way only.”
”True, of tubes in general,” replied the Talsonian, ”and I see by that that you know the entire theory of our tubes, which is rather abstruse.”
”We use them on the s.h.i.+p, in special form,” interrupted Arcot.
”Then I will only say that the college here has a very complete electric power plant of its own. On special occasions, the power generated here is needed by the city, and so we arranged the tubes with switches which could reverse the flow. At present they are operating to pour power into the city.
”If your s.h.i.+p can generate such tremendous power, I suspect that it would be wiser to eliminate the tubes from the circuit, for they put certain restrictions on the line. The main power plant in the city has tube banks capable of handling anything the line would. I suggest that your voltage be set at the maximum that the line will carry without breakdown, and the amperage can be made as high as possible without heat loss.”
”Good enough. The line to the city power will stand what pressure?”
”It is good for the maximum of these tubes,” replied the Talsonian.
”Then get into communication with the city plant and tell them to prepare for every work-unit they can carry. I'll get the generator.”
Arcot turned, and flew on his power suit to the s.h.i.+p.
In a few moments he was back, a molecular pistol in one hand, and suspended in front of him on nothing but a ray of ionized air, to all appearances, a cylindrical apparatus, with a small cubical base.
The cylinder was about four feet long, and the cubical box about eighteen inches on a side.
”What is that, and what supports it?” asked the Talsonian scientists in surprise.
”The thing is supported by a ray which directs the molecules of a small bar in the top clamp, driving it up,” explained Morey, ”and that is the generator.”
”That! Why it is hardly as big as a man!” exclaimed the Talsonian.
”Nevertheless, it can generate a billion horsepower. But you couldn't get the power away if you did generate it.” He turned toward Arcot, and called to him.
”Arcot--set it down and let her rip on about half a million horsepower for a second or so. Air arc. Won't hurt it--she's made of lux and relux.”
Arcot grinned, and set it on the ground. ”Make an awful hole in the ground.”
”Oh--go ahead. It will satisfy this fellow, I think,” replied Morey.
Arcot pulled a very thin lux metal cord from his pocket, and attached one end of a long loop to one tiny switch, and the other to a second.
Then he adjusted three small dials. The wire in hand, he retreated to a distance of nearly two hundred feet, while Morey warned the Talsonians back. Arcot pulled one end of his cord.
Instantly a terrific roar nearly deafened the men, a solid sheet of blinding flame reached in a flaming cone into the air for nearly fifty feet. The screeching roar continued for a moment, then the heat was so intense that Arcot could stand no more, and pulled the cord. The flame died instantly, though a slight ionization clung briefly. In a moment it had cooled to white, and was cooling slowly through orange--red deep--red--
The gra.s.s for thirty feet about was gone, the soil for ten feet about was molten, boiling. The machine itself was in a little crater, half sunk in boiling rock. The Talsonians stared in amazement. Then a sort of sigh escaped them and they started forward. Arcot raised his molecular pistol, a blue green ray reached out, and the rock suddenly was black.
It settled swiftly down, and a slight depression was the only evidence of the terrific action.
Arcot walked over the now cool rock, cooled by the action of the molecular ray. In driving the molecules downward, the work was done by the heat of these molecules. The machine was frozen in the solid lava.