Part 24 (1/2)

He lifted the old woman off her chair, and settled her before the table, like a child. The sight of the hot food and drink roused her to a tigerish activity. She devoured the meat with her eyes as well as her teeth; she drank the hot gin-and-water in fierce gulps, and set down the gla.s.s with audible gasps of relief. ”Another one,” she cried, ”and I shall begin to feel warm again!”

Jervy, watching her from the opposite side of the table, with Phoebe close by him as usual, had his own motives for encouraging her to talk, by the easy means of encouraging her to drink. He sent for another gla.s.s of the hot grog. Phoebe, daintily picking up her oysters with her fork, affected to be shocked at Mrs. Sowler's coa.r.s.e method of eating and drinking. She kept her eyes on her plate, and only consented to taste malt liquor under modest protest. When Jervy lit a cigar, after finis.h.i.+ng his supper, she reminded him, in an impressively genteel manner, of the consideration which he owed to the presence of an elderly lady. ”I like it myself, dear,” she said mincingly; ”but perhaps Mrs.

Sowler objects to the smell?”

Mrs. Sowler burst into a hoa.r.s.e laugh. ”Do I look as if I was likely to be squeamish about smells?” she asked, with the savage contempt for her own poverty, which was one of the dangerous elements in her character.

”See the place I live in, young woman, and then talk about smells if you like!”

This was indelicate. Phoebe picked a last oyster out of its sh.e.l.l, and kept her eyes modestly fixed on her plate. Observing that the second gla.s.s of gin-and-water was fast becoming empty, Jervy risked the first advances, on his way to Mrs. Sowler's confidence.

”About that debt of Farnaby's?” he began. ”Is it a debt of long standing?”

Mrs. Sowler was on her guard. In other words, Mrs. Sowler's head was only a.s.sailable by hot grog, when hot grog was administered in large quant.i.ties. She said it was a debt of long standing, and she said no more.

”Has it been standing seven years?”

Mrs. Sowler emptied her gla.s.s, and looked hard at Jervy across the table. ”My memory isn't good for much, at my time of life.” She gave him that answer, and she gave him no more.

Jervy yielded with his best grace. ”Try a third gla.s.s,” he said; ”there's luck, you know, in odd numbers.”

Mrs. Sowler met this advance in the spirit in which it was made. She was obliging enough to consult her memory, even before the third gla.s.s made its appearance. ”Seven years, did you say?” she repeated. ”More than twice seven years, Jervy! What do you think of that?”

Jervy wasted no time in thinking. He went on with his questions.

”Are you quite sure that the man I pointed out to you, at the lecture, is the same man who went by the name of Morgan, and had his letters addressed to the public-house?”

”Quite sure. I'd swear to him anywhere--only by his eyes.”

”And have you never yet asked him to pay the debt?”

”How could I ask him, when I never knew what his name was till you told me to-night?”

”What amount of money does he owe you?”

Whether Mrs. Sowler had her mind prophetically fixed on a fourth gla.s.s of grog, or whether she thought it time to begin asking questions on her own account, is not easy to say. Whatever her motive might be, she slyly shook her head, and winked at Jervy. ”The money's my business,” she remarked. ”You tell me where he lives--and I'll make him pay me.”

Jervy was equal to the occasion. ”You won't do anything of the sort,” he said.

Mrs. Sowler laughed defiantly. ”So you think, my fine fellow!”

”I don't think at all, old lady--I'm certain. In the first place, Farnaby don't owe you the debt by law, after seven years. In the second place, just look at yourself in the gla.s.s there. Do you think the servants will let you in, when you knock at Farnaby's door? You want a clever fellow to help you--or you'll never recover that debt.”

Mrs. Sowler was accessible to reason (even half-way through her third gla.s.s of grog), when reason was presented to her in convincing terms.

She came to the point at once. ”How much do you want?” she asked.

”Nothing,” Jervy answered; ”I don't look to _you_ to pay my commission.”

Mrs. Sowler reflected a little--and understood him. ”Say that again,”

she insisted, ”in the presence of your young woman as witness.”