Part 65 (1/2)
McClellan, General G.B.; portrait; Peninsular Campaign; at Antietam.
McCormick, C.H., invents horse reaper.
McKinley, William; portrait; President.
Meade, General G.G.
Menendez (ma-nen'deth).
Mexico; War with; the French in.
Missouri Compromise.
”Monitor” and ”Merrimac.”
Monmouth, battle of.
Monroe Doctrine.
Monroe, James; portrait; negotiates Louisiana Purchase; President.
Morgan, General D..
Morse, S.F.B.
Moultrie, General.
Murfreesboro', battle of.
Nashville, battle of.
National debt; origin of; Jefferson and the.
Neutral commerce.
Neutrality Proclamation.
New Amsterdam.
New England colonies, settlement of.
New England Confederation.
New Jersey.
New Netherland.
New Orleans; defended by Jackson; captured by Farragut.
New Sweden.
New York City; in 1800; in 1830; in 1860.
Non-Importation agreements.
Non-Intercourse Act.
North Carolina.
Oglethorpe, General.
Ordinance of 1787.
Oregon; claims to; divided.
Oriskany, battle of.
Otis, James.
Pacific Ocean, discovered.
Panic; of 1837; of 1873.
Paris; Peace of (1763); (1783).
Parson's cause.
Parties, political, formation of.
Peninsular Campaign.
Penn, William.
Pennsylvania, settlement of.
Pequod War.
Perry, Commodore.
Petersburg, blockade of.