Part 13 (1/2)
As Hanc.o.c.k had no idea of paying the duty, the customs officers seized the sloop and towed her under the guns of a wars.h.i.+p which was in the harbor. Crowds of people now collected. They could not recapture the _Liberty_. They seized one of the war-s.h.i.+p's boats, carried it to the Common, and had a famous bonfire. All this confusion frightened the chief customs officers. They fled to the castle in the harbor and wrote to the government for soldiers to protect them.
[Ill.u.s.tration: ONE OF JOHN HANc.o.c.k'S BILL-HEADS.]
[Sidenote: Virginia Resolves, 1769.]
117. The Virginia Resolves of 1769.--Parliament now asked the king to have colonists, accused of certain crimes, brought to England for trial. This aroused the Virginians. They pa.s.sed a set of resolutions, known as the Virginia Resolves of 1769. These resolves a.s.serted: (1) that the colonists only had the right to tax the colonists; (2) that the colonists had the right to pet.i.tion either by themselves or with the people of other colonies; and (3) that no colonist ought to be sent to England for trial.
[Sidenote: Non-Importation Agreements, 1769.]
[Sidenote: Partial repeal of the Townshend Acts, 1770.]
118. Non-Importation Agreements, 1769.--When he learned what was going on, the governor of Virginia dissolved the a.s.sembly. But the members met in the Raleigh tavern near by. There George Was.h.i.+ngton laid before them a written agreement to use no British goods upon which duties had been paid. They all signed this agreement. Soon the other colonies joined Virginia in the Non-Importation Agreement. English merchants found their trade growing smaller and smaller. They could not even collect their debts, for the colonial merchants said that trade in the colonies was so upset by the Townshend Acts that they could not sell their goods, or collect the money owing to them. The British merchants pet.i.tioned Parliament to repeal the duties, and Parliament answered them by repealing all the duties except the tax on tea.
[Ill.u.s.tration: THE ”RALEIGH TAVERN”]
[Sidenote: The British soldiers at New York.]
[Sidenote: Soldiers sent to Boston, 1768.]
119. The Soldiers at New York and Boston.--Soldiers had been stationed at New York ever since the end of the French war because that was the most central point on the coast. The New Yorkers did not like to have the soldiers there very well, because Parliament expected them to supply the troops with certain things without getting any money in return. The New York a.s.sembly refused to supply them, and Parliament suspended the a.s.sembly's sittings. In 1768 two regiments came from New York to Boston to protect the customs officers.
[Sidenote: The Boston Ma.s.sacre, 1770. _Higginson_, 166-169; _McMaster_, 118.]
120. The Boston Ma.s.sacre, 1770.--There were not enough soldiers at Boston to protect the customs officers--if the colonists really wished to hurt them. There were quite enough soldiers at Boston to get themselves and the colonists into trouble. On March 5, 1770, a crowd gathered around the soldiers stationed on King's Street, now State Street. There was snow on the ground, and the boys began to throw snow and mud at the soldiers. The crowd grew bolder. Suddenly the soldiers fired on the people. They killed four colonists and wounded several more. Led by Samuel Adams, the people demanded the removal of the soldiers to the fort in the harbor. Hutchinson was now governor. He offered to send one regiment out of the town. ”All or none,” said Adams, and all were sent away.
[Sidenote: Town Committees of Correspondence.]
[Sidenote: Colonial Committees of Correspondence, 1769.]
121. Committees of Correspondence.--Up to this time the resistance of the colonists had been carried on in a haphazard sort of way. Now Committees of Correspondence began to be appointed. These committees were of two kinds. First there were town Committees of Correspondence.
These were invented by Samuel Adams and were first appointed in Ma.s.sachusetts. But more important were the colonial Committees of Correspondence. The first of these was appointed by Virginia in 1769. At first few colonies followed Ma.s.sachusetts and Virginia in appointing committees. But as one act of tyranny succeeded another, other colonies fell into line. By 1775 all the colonies were united by a complete system of Committees of Correspondence.
[Sidenote: The tax on tea. _McMaster_, 119.]
122. The Tea Tax.--Of all the Townshend duties only the tax on tea was left. It happened that the British East India Company had tons of tea in its London storehouses and was greatly in need of money. The government told the company that it might send tea to America without paying any taxes in England, but the three-penny colonial tax would have to be paid in the colonies. In this way the colonists would get their tea cheaper than the people of England. But the colonists were not to be bribed into paying the tax in any such way. The East India Company sent over s.h.i.+p-loads of tea. The tea s.h.i.+ps were either sent back again or the tea was stored in some safe place where no one could get it.
[Sidenote: Boston Tea Party, 1773. _Higginson_, 171-173; _Eggleston_, 165; _Source-Book_, 137.]
123. The Boston Tea Party, 1773.--In Boston things did not go so smoothly. The agents of the East India Company refused to resign. The collector of the customs refused to give the s.h.i.+ps permission to sail away before the tea was landed. Governor Hutchinson refused to give the s.h.i.+p captains a pa.s.s to sail by the fort until the collector gave his permission. The commander at the fort refused to allow the s.h.i.+ps to sail out of the harbor until they had the necessary papers. The only way to get rid of the tea was to destroy it. A party of patriots, dressed as Indians, went on board of the s.h.i.+ps as they lay at the wharf, broke open the tea boxes, and threw the tea into the harbor.
[Sidenote: Repressive acts, 1774. _McMaster_, 120.]
124. Punishment of Ma.s.sachusetts, 1774.--The British king, the British government, and the ma.s.s of the British people were furious when they found that the Boston people had made ”tea with salt water.”
Parliament at once went to work pa.s.sing acts to punish the colonists.
One act put an end to the const.i.tution of Ma.s.sachusetts. Another act closed the port of Boston so tightly that the people could not bring hay from Charlestown to give to their starving horses. A third act provided that soldiers who fired on the people should be tried in England. And a fourth act compelled the colonists to feed and shelter the soldiers employed to punish them.