Part 10 (1/2)

Good Luck L. T. Meade 35040K 2022-07-22

”I aint his own girl, and he knows it,” said Alison, speaking pertly because her heart was so sick.

Jim hardly noticed her sharp words--he was feeling very depressed himself--he sank into the chair Grannie had offered him, placed his big elbows on his knees, pushed his huge hands through his thick hair, and scratched his head in perplexity.

”It's an awful mystery, that it is,” he said; ”there aint a person in the shop as don't fret a bit for Ally--she was so bright and genteel-looking; and no one thinks she's done it. If only, Alison, you hadn't gone away so sharp, the whole thing would have blown over by now.”

”Coming of the blood----” began Grannie; but Alison knew the conclusion of that sentence, and interrupted her.

”Bygones is bygones,” she said, ”and we have got to face the future.

I'll look out for another post to-day; I'll begin to study the papers, and see what can be done. It aint to be supposed that this will crush me out and out, and me so young and strong.”

”But you'll have to get a character,” said Jim, whose brow had not relaxed from the deep frown which it wore.

Alison gave her head another toss.

”I must do my best,” she said. She evidently did not intend to pursue the subject further with her lover.

Jim was not at all an un.o.bservant man. He had seen many signs which distressed him, both in Grannie's face and Alison's; he knew also that Harry had been taken from school quite a year too soon; he knew well that Alison's bread winnings were necessary for the family, and that it was impossible to expect an old body like Grannie to feed all those hungry mouths much longer.

”Look here,” he said, rising suddenly to his feet, ”I have got something to say.”

”Oh, dear, dear, why will you waste our time?” said Alison.

”It aint waste, and you have got to listen--please, Mrs. Reed, don't go out of the room; I want you to hear it too. Now, you look at me, Alison Reed. I am big, aint I, and I'm strong, and I earn good wages, right good--for a man as isn't twenty-five yet. I'm getting close on two pounds a week now, and you can see for yourselves that that's a good pile.”

”Bless us!” said Grannie, ”it's a powerful heap of money.”

”Well, I'm getting that,” said Jim, with a sort of righteous pride on his face, ”and no one who knows what's what could complain of the same.

Now, this is what I'm thinking. I am all alone in the world; I haven't kith nor kin belonging to me, only an uncle in Australia, and he don't count, as I never set eyes on him. I'd have never come to London but for father and mother dying off sudden when I was but a bit of a lad.

I'm sort of lonely in the evenings, and I want a wife awful bad.”

”Well, there's Louisa Clay, and she's willing,” said Alison, who, notwithstanding that her heart was almost bursting, could not restrain her flippant tone.

Jim gave her a steady look out of his dark gray eyes, but did not reply. She lowered her own eyes then, unable to bear their true and faithful glance.

”What I say is this,” said Jim, ”that I know you, Alison; you aint no more a thief than I am. Why shouldn't you come home to me? Why shouldn't you make me happy--and why shouldn't I help the lads and Grannie a bit? You'd have as snug a home as any girl in London; and I'd be proud to work for you. I wouldn't want you to do any more shopwork. Why should we wait and keep everybody wretched just for a bit of false pride? Why should you not trust me, Ally? And I love you, my dear; I love you faithful and true.”

”I wish you wouldn't say any more, Jim,” said Alison.

The note in her voice had changed from sharp petulance to a low sort of wail. She sank on a chair, laid her head on the table which stood near, and burst into tears.

”Grannie, I wish you would try and persuade her,” said the young man.

”I'll talk to her,” said Grannie; ”it seems reasonable enough. Two pounds a week! Lor' bless us! why, it's wealth--and ef you love her, Jim?”

”Need you ask?” he answered.

”No, I needn't; you're a good lad. Well, come back again, Jim; go away now and come back again. We'll see you at the end of a week, that we will.”

Jim rose slowly and unwillingly. Alison would not look at him. She was sobbing in a broken-hearted way behind her handkerchief.