Volume I Part 9 (1/2)

'If you give up your agitation for the Charter, to help the Free Traders,' said all of them, both on the platform and in the press, 'they will not help you to get the Charter. Don't be deceived by the middle cla.s.ses again. You helped them to get votes; you swelled the cry of ”The Bill, the whole Bill, and nothing but the Bill;” but where are the fine promises they made you? Gone to the winds. They make dupes of you.

That is all they aim at. They want now to get the Corn Laws repealed, and that not for your benefit, but their own. They cry cheap bread, but they mean low wages. They parade the big loaf before you, but, at the same time, you will find your share in it as small as ever. Don't listen to their cant, and claptrap, and humbug. Stick to the Charter and Feargus O'Connor. You are slaves and fools if you don't. Have votes, and then you will be your own masters. Down with the Whigs-down with the Corn Law Repealers-down with the mill-owners!'

Such were the favourite sentiments at Sloville. Nor is it much to be wondered at that men with empty pockets and bellies were ready not only to proclaim and believe such doctrines, but to fight, in their rough and imperfect way, for them. People of property were alarmed. The Government shut up a few of the leaders of the Chartists in gaol, though that did not make matters much better.

At Sloville, the poor people, instead of going to church and chapel on a Sunday, to listen to parsons who preached obedience to their betters, met to hear Chartist speeches and to sing Chartist songs.

'Let us be patient,' said one of the hearers, who had not outlived the religious teaching of his youth. 'Let us be patient a little longer, lads. Surely, G.o.d Almighty will help us soon.'

Scornfully and loudly laughed his hearers.

'Talk no more about thy G.o.d Almighty,' was the reply. 'There is not one.

If there was one, He would not let us suffer as we do.'

In London and in all our large cities were men who felt deeply their misery and poverty, and were labouring earnestly for the removal of their wrongs and the attaining of their rights. But there were professional agitators as well, paid agents of agitation, many of them mercenary wretches, who fattened on this state of things-men who preferred to talk rather than earn an honest living. They made the best of their opportunity. Many of them were sots, and had a fine time of it in public-houses; few of their characters would bear a very close inspection. They travelled down into the country, and sowed seed, which fell upon prepared ground. It was truly sad to see the decent, sober workman, living at his best on starvation wages, keeping his wife and family, not by work, but by p.a.w.ning every bit of household furniture, every superfluous article of apparel, dressing himself in rags.

'Sunday come again, and nothing to eat,' said one, while the poor babe sought its mother's breast in vain.

'Ah,' said another, with a frenzied air, and with language too vehemently blasphemous to be repeated, 'I wish they would hang me. I have lived upon cold potatoes that were given me these two days, and this morning I have eaten a raw potato from sheer hunger. Give me a bit of bread or a cup of coffee, or I shall drop.'

There were riots, of course, for men in that state had little to fear.

Now and then a parson's house was burnt down, or a magistrate had to fly for his life, or the agent of some great landlord or millowner was in danger. The orators worked up the pa.s.sions of the people to fever heat.

Now and then appeared on the scene a stray Irishman, with a tremendous tongue, or a wandering Pole, with the latest device for blowing up houses, setting fire to mills, or destroying the attack of a hostile force. There was much talk of a chemical composition by which London was to be fired in five places, and which would burn stone itself. These schemers and dabblers a.s.sumed to speak in the name of the Chartists, and the Chartists a.s.sumed to represent the people of England. Never was a greater sham than the agitation for the Charter. It was all wind and fury, and utterly brainless; the concoction of journeymen printers, patriotic tailors, heaven-taught stonemasons, and one or two Methodist preachers and obscure journalists, eaten up by vanity, and urged on by the belief that a revolution in England was impending, and that they were to ride the whirlwind and direct the storm. How they raved-like the madmen that they were-of the terror that would give wings to British capital to fly to other climes; of the middle-cla.s.s population of our country, broken down by bankruptcy and insolvency; of the destruction of our commerce; of the awful doom of farmers, manufacturers, and landlords!

We hear now of the bitter cry of outcast London; that is nothing to the cry that came from all parts of the country then.

It happened that just at this time there was to be a grand Chartist demonstration in Sloville. At any rate, so it seemed good to the editor of the _Trumpet of Freedom_, who found the sale of his paper falling off, and subscriptions for the national testimonial to be presented to himself not coming in so abundantly as he could wish. At any rate, the demonstration would serve to keep his name before the public, and that was something. Accordingly, the proper machinery was put in motion, and he got himself invited down, coming in a post-chaise-there were few railways then-with his secretary, as hungry a looker-out for power and pelf as himself. They put up at the best hotel in the town, and took good care not to starve either in the matter of eating or drinking.

The excitement in the place was intense. There was a lean and hungry mob all day long opposite the hotel, to cheer the great man whenever he came to the door or put out his head at the window. The local leaders seemed as busy as if the nation's welfare depended on them. Angry posters glared on you from every wall, which the police in vain tried to pull down. The great London newspapers sent down reporters; and not a little was the indignation aroused when a myrmidon of the law managed to serve the editor with a writ for debt, which was explained to be a political dodge on the part of the Government to muzzle the great man himself, whose invective on the subject it did all the people good to hear.

The Whigs were denounced as base, b.l.o.o.d.y, and brutal; the Tories were the devils in h.e.l.l. The time had come for tyrants and oppressors to tremble.

Sloville was to be the first to raise the standard, to strike off its fetters, to emanc.i.p.ate the country from the grasp of a hireling soldiery, a t.i.the-fed clergy, and a bloated aristocracy.

There was a good deal of brandy-and-water in the posters, and there was a good deal of the same refres.h.i.+ng beverage in the speeches of the orators.

A Chartist tailor took the chair-a man who had at one time done well, but who, since he had taken to politics and drink, had lost all his business, and who naturally cast an envious eye on his more successful fellow-tradesmen. He hinted at a plan for the equal division of property, which was received with immense applause, and which he a.s.sured his intelligent hearers would be realized as soon as the Charter was the law of the land.

A Chartist shoemaker followed. At home he was a terrible tyrant, dreaded by his much-suffering wife and his much-to-be-pitied children: but that was no reason why he should not denounce the tyranny of Government, which he did at some length, and with much physical exaggeration and emphasis, to his own delight and that of his hearers.

You could easily detect the Chartists in the town. They were not the best workmen, but they were the best supporters of the publicans, who at that time had not ventured to raise the cry of Beer and the Bible.

However, on the night of the meeting-which was in the open air-all the workmen in the place, good or bad, Chartist or not, a.s.sembled in considerable numbers. The British operative is wonderfully influenced by the gift of the gab. It always fetches him, as Artemus Ward would say.

He is not, as a rule, much of an orator himself, and fluent and fervid declamation sooner makes a fool of him than it does of the rest of the community.

The editor of the _Trumpet of Freedom_ was aware of this failing of the working-cla.s.s, of whom he const.i.tuted himself the champion, and was able to supply them with any amount of the article in question. If he was poor in ideas he was rich in words, in that respect being gifted almost as much as an Irish orator. I need not give the particulars of his speech. It was one he had often made before, and of a character very common before the Corn Laws were repealed, when the Tories were playing the game of the Chartists, and contending for all the abuses which the latter pointed to as ill.u.s.trations of the need of their famous remedy for all the evils to which political flesh is heir.

The speaker was particularly severe on the lazy lives of the parsons, and the way in which they humbugged the people. They were charged with every crime. They were none of them righteous, no, not one. If a profligate prince reigned, who more fulsome in his praise than the Bishops? If a profligate war was to be carried on-a war which was to slaughter thousands of honest lads, and to reduce thousands of homes to wretchedness and want-did not the Bishops consecrate the banners, and offer up the mockery of a prayer to heaven, as if G.o.d approved of such wanton slaughter? Did they not always vote against the interests of the public? Every parson was a robber of the poor. Did they not take the t.i.thes? Did they not take the part of the rich against the poor? Did not they preach submission to the powers that be? Did they not drive the wretched voters, at election times, to vote for the Tories? 'Down with the parsons!' said the speaker, and the cry was repeated angrily by the mob. Some said, 'More pigs and fewer parsons'; others hinted it would be as well to march to the Rectory, and to taste some of the Rector's old port; others that there would be no great harm if they were to burn down his house and hunt him out of the town.

Just as the mob were on the point of being goaded to the verge of madness by the London orator, the young man from Bethesda Chapel, as he was called, claimed to be heard. At first he was received with disfavour.

He was a stranger to them all. That was against him. It was still more against him that he had on a black coat and a white choker. A still further offence was it that his tone was that of a gentleman. Angry words were heard. He was a spy-a Government informer-a wolf in sheep's clothing-and ought to be ducked in the nearest horse-pond. It was urged that he might be permitted to speak, in order that he might show what a fool he was. The London orator especially headed all these anti-sympathetic demonstrations.

'I am a parson,' said Mr. Wentworth-then there was a tremendous burst of indignation-'and I come here to show that a parson may feel for a poor man, and may aid him in his efforts to obtain political power. It is not all parsons who take t.i.thes, but if you would abolish t.i.thes to-morrow, the only effect would be that the landlord would be richer, that is all, as the difference would only go into the landlord's pocket; but I come here to say, with you, that you must have political power; that it is unjust and unfair to deprive you of it; and I say so because I am a firm believer in a book which is very unpopular here, called the Bible. It is because I read that book that I wish you well. My Bible tells me that I ”must love my neighbour as myself”; that I must do to others as I would have others do to me; and how can I do this so long as we have cla.s.s legislation, and injustice, upheld in the name of law? I deny the right of Government to exclude you from the franchise. I agree with much that has been said. There are abuses to be remedied. There are rights to be gained. In the past you have had unjust treatment, partly owing to your own ignorance and partly to the selfishness of your rulers. You have been refused education; you have been reduced to the condition of serfs; you have been unfairly taxed; you have been denied the chance of getting an honest living; you have been sacrificed to high rents; and I think the parsons are much to blame that they have not more openly taken your part.