Volume I Part 4 (2/2)
'No, not a bit.'
He could not well be, with so fair a face opposite his own. Presently he said:
'Ain't this jolly! a deal better than going on the tramp! The old man and mother are allus on the tramp.'
'Then you have no home.'
'Home! What do you mean?'
'Ah, I see you haven't,' said the lady, with a sigh, 'or you would not have asked me that question. Can you read?'
'No-what's that? Anything to eat?'
The actress took out a newspaper.
'There, what does that mean?' she asked.
'Blest if I knows.'
'Ah, I'm afraid you've a good deal to learn. What can you do?'
'Oh, all sorts of things; stand on my head, 'old 'osses, do the Catherine wheel business. Shall I show you?' said the little fellow, emerging from his wrap, and preparing to display his gymnastic powers. 'Dash my b.u.t.tons! the place ain't big enough,' said the boy with a disappointed air.
Presently the train came to a halt, and in a minute the boy was under the seat, exclaiming in a fright:
'Oh, crikey! there's a peeler.'
'Well, he won't hurt you.'
'Oh, won't he; I know better than that!'
'No; you be a good boy, and sit still, and he won't do you any harm; he is coming to look at the tickets.'
The railway official having departed, the lad began to look out of the window, enjoying the way in which the train rattled along through tunnels and over rivers, through fields and villages and towns.
'Now tell me,' said the actress, 'did you ever hear of G.o.d?'
'No; where did he live?'
'Nor of Christ?'
'Oh yes, I've often heard mother say ”Oh, Christ!” when father came home drunk.'
'I'm afraid you're a bit of a heathen.'
'Oh yes,' said the boy, with pride; 'people often call me that.'