Chapter 481 (1/2)
The Great Grass Field (1)
“It’s worse than I thought”
Ian h some monster nests in the northern territory, which was half of the grass field It was a severe situation
‘Are these rass field united?’
The grass field was known to have 70 percent of its territory being conquered bythe past hundreds of years, the aborigines had successfully united and formed one whole tribe On the other hand, every different species of o But froo, they suddenly became united Furthermore,
‘They are not only attacking the Pieric Province’
Monsters weren’t only attacking the Pieric Province, which represented the Greenriver Empire’s territory From the point of view of the Great Grass Field, they attacked the Coldwood Empire located at their north side, as well as the principality of Lo located at their north-west side
Ian couldn’t search through everything detail But what he kneas thatall of these three countries’ border lines And it was the Pieric Province which was under the most attack fro snake
‘The paths to the other countries are narrow and spread out’
For the other countries, monsters had to invade the country with a small sized squad due to its narrow path, but the Greenriver Ee valley, which allowed massive numbers of monsters to invade the border line at once It was natural that the Greenriver Ee by the monsters
‘Then what about the aborigines?’
Monsters were literally, attacking every side of the grass field Then what about the aboriginal villages which were the closest to theinvaded by monsters as well?
‘I better check’
The south of the Great Grass Field was the territory of aborigines
Their union was fores
After Ian reached the border of their territory, Ian dispelled his fly , and Ian didn’t knohat he would confront, so he chose to save his mana as much as he could
‘It’s quiet’
It was totally different to the northern side where it was full of noises due to the monsters
The southern territory of the aborigines was peaceful There were no monsters, and Ian looked rather like an invader
And that made it more suspicious
A quiet atrass field
In this situation, how this could have happened?
‘It’s supposed to be the aborigines who should be in conflict with the monsters’
When everything becainal patrol surrounded Ian with their spears and axes
“Identify yourself!”
Black skinned aborigines surrounded Ian Every one thereat land lord Their appearance was quite threatening due to their accessories made by monster skins and bones
“I am not your enemy”
Ian started to speak a language that was unknown t
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o es while he was researching the dragon chants, as well as the aborigine language of the Great Grass Field
“I came from the Greenriver Empire”
The aborigines looked a little bit amazed
Their language was spoken by a foreigner
They had never experienced such a situation
“How do you know our language?”
The biggest man of the patrol asked His black and flexible muscles looked like obsidian, rather than human flesh
“I don’t haveof Shamans”