Part 19 (1/2)

”He is dead?”

”Yes, and so is my mother. She was a Mexican woman. I was born and brought up in Mexico. I wish I had never left it.”

”Listen, Miss Reyes,” said the old detective. ”You say you need money.

If through your means I can rescue Miss Montgomery from the clutches of Dr. Garshaski, I am going to give you $200.”

”And you will arrest him and send him up?”

”I most certainly shall.”

”Then I'll help. My aunt told me that the doctor had Miss Montgomery at the House of the Seven Delights, but she did not say he was holding her a prisoner. She lives there herself. She ought to know.”

”Where is this House of the Seven Delights?”

”It runs through from Dupont street to China alley,” was the reply, and the woman named the block.

”And what is it?” persisted Old King Brady.

”Oh, a sort of club-house. A lot of different Chinese clubs meet there.

There is a big restaurant on the ground floor; there are opium joints and fan-tan joints in it.”

”Same place,” thought the old detective. ”But where are the dungeons of this House of Delights, I wonder?”

”Can you find out in just what part of the house the doctor has Miss Montgomery concealed?” he asked.

”Listen here,” replied the woman. ”The only thing I can do is to see my aunt and tell her that you have promised to aid me. She hates my husband as much as I do. Still, you know how helpless Chinese women are, so just what she will do I cannot say.

”But we must not be seen together on Chinese alley, Mr. Brady. Where can I find you? Appoint a place.”

”How long shall you probably be gone?” asked the old detective.

”Not over half an hour. I will keep on the block on the Dupont street side. Meet me there.”

They parted at the alley, Old King Brady pus.h.i.+ng on to Dupont street.

He had scarcely turned the corner when he ran into Detective Leggett.

”Well?” he demanded. ”What about Volckman?”

”I haven't seen him since,” was the reply. ”Evidently he has given me the slip somehow.”

”Let him go. I have secured evidence against him which will enable us to arrest him at any time,” and the old detective went on to explain.

”I want your help in this new business,” he said.

”Right,” replied Leggett. ”Can't we go it alone, thin?”

”I'm going to try it that way, anyhow. You follow me right after I make the start. If I want you to join me I'll let you know.”

They separated then, and for more than half an hour Old King Brady paced the block; finally he was joined by Inez Reyes.