Part 14 (1/2)
”I am afraid you are the author of your own troubles, then, Mr. Lung,”
he said.
”I shouldn't wonder. It is a matter I should not have spoken about to any one. I see it now.”
They turned up China alley at last, entering the long building into which Alice had been taken on the night of her capture.
Harry now traveled over the same ground.
They ascended one flight, entered that elevator, and Ah Lung let them down to the long corridor under ground.
Harry wondered at the many doors.
”What new organization am I up against?” he asked himself.
But of Ah Lung he asked no questions, feeling that he was in the man's hands for better or for worse.
”Now I don't know whether anything is going to come out of this or not,”
Lung said with his fingers. ”I am expecting to meet a certain party on business. I shall bring the conversation around to the princess. The man is supposed to be my friend. If he has betrayed me I want to know it. At all events, it is my only chance of giving you a clew on which to start your search.”
”Right,” said Harry. ”Lead on.”
Lung stopped before a door, on which he knocked three times.
It was immediately opened by a young Chinaman in a white native dress.
The room was quite a large one, well fitted up with comfortable American furniture.
It looked what it actually was, a club-room. Several Chinamen, mostly in American dress, were sitting or standing in groups.
One came forward looking questioningly at Harry.
Lung said something, apparently vouching for him as a friend, and the man walked away.
n.o.body else spoke to them.
Going up to a handsome buffet, Lung poured out tea for himself and Harry, helping him also to sweetmeats and Chinese cakes.
”Is this just a business club?” asked Young King Brady.
”Just that and nothing else,” was the reply; ”there are several clubs meeting down here. While the members are all part of one grand organization, these clubs are organized for different purposes, and a man may belong to one without belonging to another or knowing anything about the others. That's the way we work it.”
”Is your man here?”
”Not yet. He is expected, however. I must hurry and get you placed.”
They now left the club-room, Ah Lung, opening the next door beyond with a latch-key.
This ushered them into a narrow corridor lighted by colored red lanterns.