Part 33 (1/2)

”It seems a desecration of you; but if there is no other way we will grant 'the powers' audience.”

At his word her face cleared, her fingers relaxed, and she smiled.

”Thank you. He has taken away his hand.”

As she rose and stood before him she seemed again the buoyant, care-free girl, and he could only weakly say, ”It seems so ungracious, so inhospitable in us,” as they walked side by side across the room to Kate.

Clarke was sitting in silence, without pretence of listening to his hostess, watching Serviss with gloomy, uneasy eyes--a fierce flame of jealousy burning in his brain. He recalled the change in Viola which had followed this man's visit to Colorow, and a.s.sociated her first persistent revolt with him; and now, seeing her beside him, in his own house, looking up into his face, absorbed, fascinated, utterly forgetful of her duty, oblivious to every one else, was maddening. Her gown angered him. ”Why did she wear that dress?” he fiercely asked himself. ”She does not do that for me. She is in love with him--that is why. She shall not come here again. These people are destructive to her higher aims.”

In this mood he changed his mind, opposed the sitting; but Viola convinced him that it was the will of her 'guides' and that it was a splendid opportunity to interest two renowned sceptics, and in that spirit he again reluctantly consented.



Morton's study was decided upon as the most suitable place in which to experiment, for the reason that it had but one exit, a sliding double door, which led to the library, and its windows all opened upon the street, six stories below. A burglar could not have entered with full license to do so.

Viola a.s.sisted Morton and Kate in clearing the big mahogany table, while Weissmann conferred with Clarke. To judge from the girl's gayety and eager interest the preparations were for a game of cards rather than for a test seance in which her love and honor were at stake. Mrs.

Lambert was quite serene; Clarke alone seemed anxious and ill at ease.

Weissmann, at Morton's request, a.s.sumed general direction, and betrayed an astonis.h.i.+ng familiarity with the requirements. Under his direction they grouped themselves about the table as for whist, Viola at the north end, with Clarke directly opposite, and Kate and Mrs.

Lambert on either side and quite near him. The two inquisitors then took seats--Morton at the psychic's right, Weissmann at her left.

When the positions were all decided upon, Viola, with a note of disappointment in her voice, asked, ”Aren't you going to tie me?”

”Oh no,” replied Morton, ”the conditions are yours to-night. You are our guest. Our tests will be made at some other time.”

”Please make them to-night,” she pleaded. ”Please make them as hard as you can.”

Weissmann's glistened upon her with joyful acclaim. ”Very good, your wishes shall be met. Let us see--we shall tie you. Have you something suitable?” he asked of his a.s.sistant.

Morton took from his desk a roll of white tape. ”How will this do?”

”Just the thing,” Weissmann replied; ”but we must have no knots, no tying. Kate, get your needle, we must fasten Miss Lambert in such wise that no one can say, 'Oh, she untied the knots!'”

Under his supervision Kate looped the tape about Viola's wrists and sewed it fast to her close-fitting satin cuffs. She then encircled her ankles with the tape, and Morton drew the long ends under and far back of the chair and nailed them to the floor. Thereupon Weissmann said, ”I wish to nail these wristbands to the chair-arm.--Do we sacrifice the cuffs?” he asked of Viola.

”Yes, yes--anything. Nail as hard as you please.”

”And the chair?” pursued the old man, glancing at Morton.

”Oh, certainly,” replied he. ”Science goes before furniture in this house,” and a couple of long bra.s.s tacks were driven firmly down through both tape and sleeve.

”You poor child!” exclaimed Kate. ”If they hurt you, cry out, and I will free you.”

Weissmann then fastened a silk thread to her wrist and gave one end to Morton. ”We will keep this taut,” he said; ”every motion will be felt.”

As they worked the enthusiasm of investigation filled their eyes. They lost sight of the fact that all this precaution implied a doubt of the girl, and Viola on her part remained as blithe as if it were all a game of hide-and-seek.