Part 29 (1/2)

James frowned. ”That would not suit us at all,” he said. ”Not at all!

We could do that for ourselves. Faith,” with a sudden laugh, ”you didn't lack much of doing it, Flavvy! No; but a stone box and a ring round his leg, and four walls to talk to--until such time as we have a use for him, would be mighty convenient for everybody. He'd have leisure to think of his dear relations, and of the neat way he outwitted them, the clever devil! But for taking his life--I'm seeing my way there too,” with a grin--”it was naming his dear relations made me think of it. They'd not bear to be informing without surety for his life, to be sure! No!” with a chuckle. ”And very creditable to them!”

Flavia stared across the water. She was very pale.

”We'll be wanting one or two to swear to it,” he continued, ”and the rest to be silent. Sorra a bit of difficulty will there be about it!”

”But if,” she said slowly, ”he gets the first word? And tells the truth?”

”The truth?” James McMurrough replied scornfully. ”The truth is what we'll make it! I'll see to that, my jewel.”

She s.h.i.+vered. ”Still,” she said, ”it will not be truth.”

”What matter?” James answered. ”It will cook his goose. Curse him,” he continued with violence, ”what right had he to come here and thrust himself into other folks' affairs?”

”I could have killed him,” she said. ”But----”

”But you can't,” he rejoined. ”And you know why.”

”But this”--she continued with a shudder, ”this is different.”

”What will you be after?” he cried impatiently. ”You are not turning sheep-hearted at this time of day?”

”I am not sheep-hearted.”

”What is it then, my girl?”

”I can't do this,” she said. She was still very pale. Something had come close to her, had touched her, that had never approached her so nearly before.

He stared at her. ”But he'll have his life,” he said.

”It's not that,” she answered slowly. ”It's the way. I can't!” she repeated. ”I've tried, and I can't! It sickens me.”

”And he's to do what he likes with us?” James cried.

”No, no!”

”And we're not to touch him without our gloves?”

She did not answer, and twice her brother repeated the taunt--twice asked her, with a confidence he did not feel, what was the matter with the plan. At last, ”It's too vile!” she cried pa.s.sionately. ”It's too horrible! It's to sink to what he is, and worse!” Her voice trembled with the intensity of her feelings--as a man, who has scaled a giddy height without faltering, sometimes trembles when he reaches the solid ground. ”Worse!” she repeated.

To relieve his feelings, perhaps to hide his shame, he cursed his enemy anew. And ”I wish I had never told you!” he added bitterly.

”It's too late now,” she replied.

”Asgill could have managed it, and no one the wiser!”

”I believe you!” she replied quickly. ”But not you! Don't do it, James,” she repeated, laying her hand on his arm and speaking with sudden heat. ”Don't you do it! Don't!”

”And we're to let the worst happen,” he retorted, ”and O'Hara perhaps be seized----”

”G.o.d forbid!”