Part 25 (1/2)

”Be you sure I did. But that I should be a Madras barrister seemed the goal of my aunt's ambition. She brought me up, you know. I fell into the trap, being young and foolish; moreover, she always a.s.sured me that the reigning partner, Mr. Fyson, was as hard as a nail, and that he would never give me a bite of the plum.”

”I've always thought Fyson a very good sort--straight man to deal with,”

remarked Melford musingly.

”Well, I shall have an opportunity of testing him to-morrow. I'm rather looking forward to it,” returned Rayner, brus.h.i.+ng the ash from his cheroot.

”So you're bent on business at once? I thought you might have come to my office first, and then Carrie has a project for the afternoon--an invitation to go up the Hoogly in a steam launch with friends. She accepted for you, thinking you would enjoy it. I may manage to get off for the afternoon too, and make one of the party. You're sure to enjoy a trip on the river, Rayner.”

”Yes, but business must come before pleasure! I certainly hope to do the Calcutta sights later but Truelove Brothers call me first. But I won't be the whole day with them. I hope I may be able to join the pleasure trip in the afternoon.”

”Of course you will! You can meet me at my office and we'll drive home to tiffin together. My place isn't far from Truelove's. A tikka-gharry will fetch you. You look a bit tired, Rayner! Suppose we turn in? Carrie and I keep early hours.”

”Thanks, I shan't object! I want to be fresh to-morrow. I say, Melford, if I present a good front don't you think they may be so enamoured of me that they will conclude the bargain at once, and the indenture of partners.h.i.+p go forward without a hitch?”

”Not such an easy matter, Rayner,” replied his host, shaking his head.

He being chief a.s.sistant in a good mercantile firm hoped one day if fortune favoured him to become a small partner, but he knew too well the obstacles to be overcome to be able to a.s.sure his friend of a speedy success. He acknowledged that Rayner's close relations.h.i.+p with the well-known firm put him on a favourable footing; and certainly Alfred Rayner had an a.s.sertive air, the humble man meekly acknowledged, which sometimes spelt success.


Mr. Rayner and his hostess had quite made friends when they parted next morning, he to accompany her husband to his office. He a.s.sured Mrs.

Melford that he would not fail to return to tiffin, and also to avail himself of the pleasure of a sail up the Hoogly. Seated in his host's gharry as they rattled along the bustling streets, Rayner contrasted it with the leisurely ongoings of the Mount Road in Madras, and the comparison seemed to him all in favour of the Europeanised city.

”Why, one seems to live and move and be here, Melford!” he exclaimed.

”This place suits me down to the ground. I declare, I think I shall make a bid for a share of Truelove Brothers' lacs without delay!”

The gharry now drew up in front of a handsome block of buildings to which Mr. Melford introduced him as his employers' premises, and, alighting, he arranged to meet him again at Ballygunge Road, whither he intended to return when his call was over. ”You'll easily pick up a tikka-gharry at Truelove's. They're as thick as flies there about,” his host a.s.sured him as they parted.

The quarters of the old merchants' firm looked more ancient and dull than that of Melford's employers, but they had a dignified air of respectability which was quite in keeping with the best traditions of such offices.

Rayner handed his card to one of the _durwans_ in attendance in the marble-paved hall around which were many doors marked with the names of the occupants of the chambers. From one of these the _durwan_ emerged now and requested the visitor to follow him. He led him into a smaller hall from which a staircase led to the upper rooms; and into one of these, a large lofty apartment, Mr. Rayner was ushered.

A tall, middle-aged man with a kindly, sagacious face was pacing up and down dictating to a Eurasian clerk who sat at the table. He paused in his walk, bowing to his visitor as he said: ”How do you do, sir!”

Rayner noticed that a pair of shrewd eyes were fixed upon him with a quiet, scrutinising glance.

”Ha, he don't half like this chip of the old block coming to claim his own,” he said to himself as he returned the bow with a broad smile.

”Sorry to disturb you on a busy morning, sir. I've just remembered that this is our English mail day,” he began, as the clerk began to gather his papers to retire.

”Oh, as to that we're always pretty well up to time here,” returned the other, motioning his visitor to the seat which the clerk had just vacated, and taking a chair opposite him.

”Well, I suppose I'd better come to the point at once,” began Mr. Rayner briskly. ”The fact is I've taken this run to Calcutta to see my birthplace, and I thought I might use the opportunity to call on the present representative of Truelove Brothers. I believe you are now the senior partner of the firm?”

”I am,” said Mr. Fyson laconically.

”Well, naturally sentimental reasons prompted me to wish to see the inside of the business house where my father was a partner.”

Mr. Fyson raised his eyebrows but made no response.