Chapter 4 (1/2)

Blooming in Different World is a Lily Flower - IntroBlooming in Different World is a Lily Flower - 001Blooming in Different World is a Lily Flower - 002Blooming in Different World is a Lily Flower - 003Blooming in Different World is a Lily Flower - 004 Day 1 (Morning)

Beginning of the Slow Life Unedited version

Author: Kaeruda Ameko (蛙田あめこ)


Translator: AYA Translation

The villainess pov

A distance voice could be heard.

The wake up time —


— was informed by ridiculously loud voice.


”Uwaa, you're so cute today! To be able to greet Fuukchan in the morning, I'm so happy.”

The ridiculously loud voice said something that could be misunderstood by any other listener in excited state.

Ah, that's right. This hard bed. Here is not the usual mansion.


There was someone with tea colored hair smiling in front of her.

And after Fuuka looked at her surroundings while rubbing her sleepy eyes,

Ah, right, I remember.

”You really kidnap me from my mansion?”

”Yeah. Tt was a long trip. Thanks for your hard work, Fuukchan.”

”And to bring me to Atika region is…”

On the warm and cozy bed, Fuuka made her biggest sigh.

*     *    *

Approximately a whole day and night journey. Last night, they arrived late in an isolated house at Atika region, way north of the capital. It was the house belong to Myako's family.

Dining room with fireplace, a modest kitchen, a food preservation room, and then, only one bedroom.

Fuuka who born and live luxury house was about to faint.

If there was only one bedroom, then how will Miyako sleep? The night will be cold at this time, of course it would be awkward if she sleeps outdoors.

”Eh? Fuukchan not naturally drive me out!? I'm shocked!”

Even though it was just one bedroom, there was two bed place left and right along side the wall. After took off the dress from her tired body, she fell into the bed. The clean and prepared bed, even though it was a lot harder than her feather duvet in her house, it didn't have the smell of mold.

She didn't remember exactly she fell asleep. At anyhow, her body was tired, and her heart was tensed. As soon as the string of tension snap, Fuuka immediately sleep like a baby.

*    *    *

”Really, what a far away place we have come, Atika region here is.”

”Yeah. It really far away.”

”What are you planning to do here?”


From the windows of the carriage, the thing that could be seen last night were only fields, mountain, forest and river. To bring someone this far, what was Miyako aim?

She can't think anything useful.


”… what did you say!?”

”I said, here I will ”doing nothing” with Fuukchan.”

Doing… nothing?

”What do you mean?”

This time it was Fuuka turn to tilt her head sideways.

”That was literally what I mean. It was second hand from yellow bear who like honey though.”