Part 19 (1/2)

All in a scarlet kercher laid Of silk so fine and thin: A golden mantle wrapt him round Pinn'd with a silver pin.

The sudden sight surpris'd them all; The courtiers gather'd round; They look, they call, the mother seek; No mother could be found.

At length the king himself drew near, And as he gazing stands, The pretty babe look'd up and smil'd, And stretch'd his little hands.

Now, by the rood, king Pepin says, This child is pa.s.sing fair: I wot he is of gentle blood; Perhaps some prince's heir.

Go bear him home unto my court With all the care ye may: Let him be christen'd Valentine, In honour of this day:

And look me out some cunning nurse; Well nurtur'd let him be: Nor aught be wanting that becomes A bairn of high degree.

They look'd him out a cunning nurse, And nurtur'd well was he; Nor aught was wanting that became A bairn of high degree.

Thus grew the little Valentine, Belov'd of king and peers; And show'd in all he spake or did A wit beyond his years.

But chief in gallant feats of arms He did himself advance, And ere he grew to man's estate He had no peer in France.

And now the early down began To shade his youthful chin; When Valentine was dubb'd a knight, That he might glory win.

A boon, a boon, my gracious liege, I beg a boon of thee!

The first adventure that befalls May be reserv'd for me.

The first adventure shall be thine, The king did smiling say.

Nor many days, when lo! there came Three palmers clad in gray.

Help, gracious lord, they weeping said; And knelt, as it was meet: From Artois forest we be come, With weak and weary feet.

Within those deep and dreary woods There wends a savage boy; Whose fierce and mortal rage doth yield Thy subjects dire annoy.

'Mong ruthless bears he sure was bred; He lurks within their den: With bears he lives, with bears he feeds, And drinks the blood of men.

To more than savage strength he joins A more than human skill: For arms, no cunning may suffice His cruel rage to still:

Up then rose sir Valentine, And claim'd that arduous deed.

Go forth and conquer, said the king, And great shall be thy meed.

Well mounted on a milk-white steed, His armour white as snow; As well beseem'd a virgin knight, Who ne'er had fought a foe:

To Artois forest he repairs With all the haste he may; And soon he spies the savage youth A rending of his prey.

His unkempt hair all matted hung His s.h.a.ggy shoulders round: His eager eye all fiery glow'd: His face with fury frown'd.

Like eagle's talons grew his nails: His limbs were thick and strong; And dreadful was the knotted oak He bare with him along.

Soon as sir Valentine approach'd, He starts with sudden spring; And yelling forth a hideous howl, He made the forests ring.

As when a tiger fierce and fell Hath spied a pa.s.sing roe, And leaps at once upon his throat; So sprung the savage foe.