Part 11 (1/2)

G.o.d save our king, and bless this land In plenty, joy, and peace; And grant henceforth, that foul debate 'Twixt n.o.blemen may cease.


[82] Field.

[83] Wild.

[84] The curfew.


In summer time, when leaves grow green, And blossoms bedeck the tree, King Edward would a hunting ride, Some pastime for to see.

With hawk and hound he made him bowne,[85]

With horn, and eke with bow; To Drayton Ba.s.set he took his way, With all his lords in a row.

And he had ridden o'er dale and down By eight of clock in the day, When he was 'ware of a bold tanner, Come riding along the way.

A fair russet coat the tanner had on Fast b.u.t.toned under his chin, And under him a good cow-hide, And a mare of four s.h.i.+lling.[86]

Now stand you still, my good lords all, Under the greenwood spray; And I will wend to yonder fellow, To weet[87] what he will say.

G.o.d speed, G.o.d speed thee, said our king.

Thou art welcome, sir, said he.

The readiest way to Drayton Ba.s.set I pray thee to show to me.

To Drayton Ba.s.set wouldst thou go, Fro' the place where thou dost stand?

The next pair of gallows thou comest unto, Turn in upon thy right hand.

That is an unready way, said our king, Thou dost but jest I see; Now show me out the nearest way, And I pray thee wend with me.

Away with a vengeance! quoth the tanner: I hold thee out of thy wit: All day have I ridden on Brock my mare, And I am fasting yet.

Go with me down to Drayton Ba.s.set, No dainties we will spare; All day shalt thou eat and drink of the best, And I will pay thy fare.

Gramercy for nothing, the tanner replied, Thou payest no fare of mine: I trow I've more n.o.bles in my purse, Than thou hast pence in thine.

G.o.d give thee joy of them, said the king, And send them well to priefe.[88]

The tanner would fain have been away, For he weened he had been a thief.

Who art thou, he said, thou fine fellw, Of thee I am in great fear, For the clothes thou wearest upon thy back, Might beseem a lord to wear.

I never stole them, quoth our king, I tell you, sir, by the rood, Then thou playest, as many an unthrift doth And standest in midst of thy good.[89]

What tidings hear you, said the king, As you ride far and near?

I hear no tidings, sir, by the ma.s.s, But that cow-hides are dear.

Cow-hides! cow-hides! what things are those?