Part 6 (1/2)
And when they came before the king, As it was the law of the land, They kneeled down without hindrance, And each held up his hand.
They said, Lord, we beseech thee here, That you will grant us grace; For we have slain your fat fallow deer In many a sundry place.
What be your names, then said our king, Anon that you tell me?
They said, Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, And William of Cloudesly.
Be ye those thieves, then said our king, That men have told of to me?
Here to G.o.d I make a vow, Ye shall be hanged all three.
[Ill.u.s.tration: WILLIAM OF CLOUDESLY.]
Ye shall be dead without mercy, As I am king of this land.
He commanded his officers everyone, Fast on them to lay hand.
There they took these good yeomen, And arrested them all three: So may I thrive, said Adam Bell, This game liketh not me.
But, good lord, we beseech you now, That ye grant us grace, Insomuch as freely to you we come, As freely we may from you pa.s.s,
With such weapons as we have here, Till we be out of your place; And if we live this hundred year, We will ask you no grace.
Ye speak proudly, said the king; Ye shall be hanged all three.
That were great pity, then said the queen, If any grace might be.
My lord, when I came first into this land To be your wedded wife, The first boon that I would ask, Ye would grant it me belyfe:[64]
And I never asked none till now; Therefore, good lord, grant it me.
Now ask it, madam, said the king, And granted it shall be.
Then, good my lord, I you beseech, These yeomen grant ye me.
Madame, ye might have asked a boon, That should have been worth them all three.
Ye might have asked towers and towns, Parks and forests plenty.
None so pleasant to my liking, she said; Nor none so lefe[65] to me.
Madame, since it is your desire, Your asking granted shall be; But I had lever[66] have given you Good market towns three.
The queen she was a glad woman, And said, Lord, gramercy: I dare undertake for them, That true men shall they be.
But, good my lord, speak some merry word, That comfort they may see.
I grant you grace, then said our king; Wash, fellows, and to meat go ye.
They had not setten but a while Certain, without lesynge,[67]
There came messengers out of the north With letters to our king.
And when they came before the king, They knelt down on their knee: And said, Lord, your officers greet you well, Of Carlisle, in the north country.
How fareth my justice, said the king, And my sheriff also?
Sir, they be slain, without lesynge, And many an officer mo'.