Part 10 (1/2)

”You must have got drenched; you _are_ drenched.”

”Oh no! I got in before the rain began. Let myself in without seeing any one, and found Isabel was over at her mother's. So I waited here.”

”Didn't let her know you were home?” asked Ruth, with a penetrating gaze.

”No, I haven't been off the place since I came, but I stepped out so many times into the garden to see if she was coming that I'm soaking wet.”

They entered the lighted house, and he turned upon her a glance heavy and wavering with falsehood. His tongue ran like a terrified horse.

”Oh--eh--before you go upstairs--Ruth--there's one thing I'm distressed about. I've told Mrs. Morris, and she's promised to see that the doctor understands it perfectly,--though I shall explain it to him myself the moment he comes. And still I wish you'd see that he understands, will you?”

”What is it?”

”Why, at last, as I was waiting for Isabel, and saw her coming, I went to meet her. Unfortunately she took me for a stranger, turned to run, and tripped and fell headlong! She somehow got her lantern between the base of a tree and the crown of her head, smashed the lantern, and cut and bruised her head pitifully!”

To hide her start of distress Ruth moved up the stair; but after a step or two she turned. ”Arthur, why say anything about it, if nothing is asked?”

The husband stared at her and turned deadly pale.

”Th--that's tr--true!” he said, with an eager gesture. ”I'll not mention it. And--Ruth!”--she was leaving him--”you might s--say the same to Mrs.


She nodded, but would not trust her eyes to meet his. He was right; she had divined his deed.

He went loiteringly into the library and gently closed the door. Then he turned the light low, paced once up and down the room, and all at once slammed himself full length upon a lounge, and lay face up, face down, by turns, writhing and tearing his hair.

Soon again he was pacing the floor, and presently was once more, and then once more up.

Giles, his English man, brought the doctor, and Arthur heard him discoursing as the vehicle drew up.

”Yes, sir, quite so; quite so, sir. And yet I believe, sir, if h-all money and lands was 'eld in common, the 'ole 'uman ryce would be as 'appy as the gentlemen and lydies on Bylow 'Ill!”

The young husband met the physician cheerily, sent him up, and went back to his solitude.

An hour pa.s.sed, and then Sarah Stebbens knocked and leaned in. ”Mr.


”What, Sarah?”

”Oh! I didn't see you. All's well, and it's a daughter.”



It was most pleasant, being asked by everyone, even by General Byington, how it felt to be a grandmother. ”Oh! ho, ho!” Mrs. Morris's unutilized dimple kept itself busy to the point of positive fatigue.