Part 47 (2/2)
they would think about you.
Well, she was thinking very hard about Sarre and miracles happened.
Jacomina began to cry and Alethea bent down and kissed her.
”Let's talk,” she said hearteningly.
”Let's talk about Christmas and what we'll do then and the presents
we'll buy, and I'll tell you about the hospital.
' She had a momentary picture of Nick; what would he have done in such a situation?
she wondered, and found that she didn't care in the very least.
She took a deep steadying breath.
It was beastly down there in the dark, but at least the children were
safe and she was absolutely certain that Sarre would come.
She began to tell the children just how an English Christmas pudding was made.
she had lost all count of time when Sarre's voice, calm, almost placid, said from somewhere above them: ”T'll have Jacomina first--lift her up as high as you can, Alethea, and you, liefje, put your arms above your head so that I can catch your hands.
' He waited while Alethea, dumb with relief and happiness at the sound
of his voice, got cautiously to her feet and lifted the little girl.
It was difficult for the rubble underfoot s.h.i.+fted to and fro with every movement and Jacomina was quite heavy, but she managed it at last and felt her weight lifted from her aching arms as Sarre lifted his daughter to safety.
”And now Sarel.
' A cold hand came out of the dark and clutched at Alethea's.
”Papa, I will go last--it is not kind to leave Alethea here alone in
the dark; she's a girl.
' Alethea gave the hand a squeeze.
The conditions were hardly ideal in which to make friends, but they
seemed to have managed it.
Sarre's voice was unhurried.
”Spoken like a man, Sarel, but I need you up here to look after
Jacomina--she's scared.
' Alethea spoke carefully from a mouth dry with fear.
”Yes, your papa's right, Sarel, and Jacomina always does as you say.
' 197 The sweaty little hand returned her squeeze and withdrew.
”I'm heavy.
' ”Isn't it lucky I'm tall?
' she rea.s.sured him, and steadied herself on the rubble once more and
braced herself to lift him.