Part 32 (1/2)
Nanny saw it too.
' It was an effort to keep her voice light, but she managed it.
”Jacomina would like a silk dress too, but Nanny thinks it's a waste
for a little girl.
She's quite right, of course, but do you suppose Jacomina could have one for her birthday or Christmas?
Something she could choose for herself.
' Sarre looked surprised.
”Well, of course, I had no idea.
' he broke off to smile warmly at her.
”You see how badly I needed a wife and the children a mother.
They've got all the right clothes, I hope?
' ”Oh, rather, but you know what children are; they get a taste for
fas.h.i.+on when they're quite young these days.
' He put his gla.s.s down.
”Do exactly what you like, my dear--buy them what they want and like.
If Nanny doesn't approve, I'll smooth her down.
' He paused on his way to the door.
”She gets on well with you?
' His eyes were very searching.
”Oh, yes!
' ”And the children?
' ”Everything's just fine.
Will you have time to see them before we go?
' He nodded and went out of the room and straight up to the playroom.
The children were at the table, doing their homework, and Nanny was in
her usual chair.
There was a large damp patch on the floor near the door, and the bedraggled flowers had been thrust back any old how into the vase.
The children rushed at him and he nodded to Nanny, who had got to her
feet, looking uneasy.
He enquired after their day and then asked casually: ”Who has been throwing the flowers around?
' Both children went scarlet, staring at him tongue-tied.
It was Nanny who began a long rambling explanation.
When she had finished, all Sarre said was: ”Well, a good thing there wasn't anything or anyone in the way.
' He picked up Nero and fondled the puppy and watched his children relax.
Someone had been up to something, he decided.
It would be no good asking now; Nanny would only embark on another long-drawn-out fib.
He bade them a cheerful goodnight and went away to dress.
The evening was a tremendous success; the burgermeester and his lady
were elderly, kind and delighted with Alethea.
They handed her round the roomful of guests as though she had been
something precious and breakable, and after a few minutes of pure terror, she began to enjoy herself.