Part 30 (1/2)

”You see I wanted everyone here to see just exactly how you looked at our wedding.

' Alethea had no time to reply.

Everyone had surged forward to shake their hands and wish them well; the children first with hugs for their father and polite handshakes for herself, and then Al and the rest of them.

And presently they all went into the drawing room, and that was filled with flowers too, with a sofa table drawn up under the windows, laden with champagne buckets and

There was even a wedding cake, a masterpiece made by Mrs McCrea.

Alethea stood among them all, being toasted and complimented on her dress and recounting the wedding to Al and Mrs McCrea while Sarre, with Sarel and Jacomina hanging on each arm, did the same for Nanny and Nel and Juffrouw Bril.

It was hours later, when she was in her lovely bedroom lying awake, that Alethea recalled uneasily how the children had cold shouldered her.

She had hoped that once she was married to Sarre, they would accept her.

It was still too early, she reminded herself, and turned her thoughts to her wedding.

It had been a happy affair and she had enjoyed the long journey back to Groningen with Sarre.

He had said that he would take her to Hamburg, that would be fun too.

She slept at last, still speculating about it.

She discovered very quickly that being married to Sarre was very nearly the same as being engaged to him.

True, she was now addressed as Mevrouw, and Mrs McCrea was punctilious in discussing the menus each day, as well as asking her her wishes about the running of the house.

”T'll leave that to you, Mrs McCrea,” said Alethea, going hot and cold at the idea of taking over the management of such a large establishment.

”Perhaps you would show me exactly how you go on, though.

You see, you're an expert and I've never kept house in my life--all the same, I should like to learn.

Could we go through cupboards and stores and so on when you have the time to spare?

' Mrs McCrea beamed at her.

”A very sensible suggestion, ma'am, if I may say so.

Even if a lady doesn't run her household herself she should know

exactly what goes on in it.

I'll be delighted to tell you anything you want to know.

And as to the menus, ma'am, if you'll just say if there's anything you

don't like or would prefer.

' ”T eat anything,” stated Alethea.

”Don't forget I've been in hospital for years and you get used to

eating what's on your plate.

' ”Ugh--you'll have what you fancy here, ma'am, you only have to say.

Now, the master likes his meat--the gentlemen do, I've found, but if

you fancy something lighter, that's easily seen to.

' ”Thank you, Mrs McCrea.

I don't know much about anything at present, but if you want something,

you will ask, won't you?

Pots and pans and equipment and so on, I mean.

I expect you've always gone to the master for those, but it would help

him if I dealt with the everyday requirements, wouldn't it?

' ”Indeed it would.

He has enough on his plate without bothering about the house.

' And Al took her firmly under his wing; he appeared un.o.btrusively with

sound advice on the occasions when she found herself in doubt about something or other and he sat beside her in the Colt Sapporo which Sarre had given her.

She had protested at such an expensive car and he had heard her out with his usual calm and then silenced her with the remark that as she was British she would naturally prefer a British car.

”It is for your own use,” he pointed out.

”T fully intend that you shall drive the Jaguar and the Bristol when we can get out together.