Part 18 (1/2)
You'll get used to it, of course.
' He leaned back in his chair, staring at her.
”Yesterday when I was on the ward you looked wretched.
' She shook her head.
”Nothing--it wasn't anything.
' ”Young Penrose been annoying you?
' She looked at him, trying to think of what to say, and after a moment he smiled a little.
”It was young Penrose, of course.
I'm sorry,” and then: ”Does he want to make it up?
' She shook her head again.
' She wanted to tell Sarre about it, but the words wouldn't come.
Presently she said defiantly: ”And if he did, I wouldn't.
' He didn't smile, but she saw that he didn't quite believe her.
”T wouldn't,” she repeated vehemently.
He nodded.
”It's a pity that we weren't able to talk about it.
Promise me, Alethea, that you will tell me if things worry you.
Perhaps I can't help, but I can listen, and telling is half the answer,
you know.
' ”You're a dear,” she said warmly, 'and I was silly about it.
I'm sorry.
' ”Not silly.
Loving someone can be the very devil.
You're managing very well.
There's only one more week to go, isn't there?
I shall be back on of next week and we'll go over to Holland
on Sunday.
No, better still, we'll go over on from Harwich I want to take the car, we'll have to fly another time.
Could you be ready?
' Alethea said that yes, she could, quite easily.
She would be off duty for the last time at six o'clock and they
wouldn't need to leave until eight o'clock.
”If this weather holds it will be pleasant driving up to Groningen in
the early morning, you'll be able to see something of the country as we go. ' She exerted herself to ask questions after that and by the time they had strolled back to the hospital she felt much happier.
She told Sarre so and he chuckled.
”Well, don't imagine it was my company, much more likely to be that wine we drank.
' She laughed with him and lifted her pretty face for his kiss.
It was neither quick nor light this time.
”T hope you will miss me,” said Sarre.
”I'm going to miss you.
' She told herself as she got ready for bed that he had kissed her like that because she had been upset about Nick.