Part 24 (1/2)

Another half-hour pa.s.sed, but the skipper still remained out of sight.

The wind had now dropped, and the smack, with her main-sheet slacked right off, floundered heavily, dipping her boom-end at every roll.

Already the day was breaking beyond the chalk cliffs of the Isle of Wight. Momentarily, the search-lights from The Needles Channel batteries were growing fainter in the grey dawn.

”Isn't it grand!” exclaimed Leslie, inspired by the sight of daybreak at sea.

The sub merely shrugged his shoulders. Untold spells of duty as officer of the watch had made him regard the spectacle with complete indifference.

But the next instant Jack Sefton's la.s.situde fell from him like a discarded mask, for, at less than a hundred yards on the _Fidelity's_ port quarter, appeared the pole-like periscopes of a submarine.

CHAPTER XX--Captured

For a few seconds the optics of the submerged craft remained trained upon the isolated smack. Although the submarine was forging slowly ahead, the periscopes rose no higher out of the water. Evidently those in charge of the vessel were not anxious to rise to the surface until they had satisfied themselves that it was fairly safe to do so.

His attention attracted by his brother's fixed gaze, Leslie sprang to his feet and grasped the weather shrouds.

”What's that, Jack?” he asked.

”What you wanted to see--a submarine.”

”One of ours?”

”Hope so,” replied the sub laconically; but he had great misgivings on that score. Had it been a British submarine making for Portsmouth, she would almost certainly be running on the surface, in order to make her number before approaching the heavily-defended Needles channel.

Wildly excited, Tim forgot that he was steering and, putting the helm down, allowed the smack to gybe ”all standing”. The thud of the heavy boom as it swung across and brought up with a violent jerk, had the effect of making Old Garge emerge from the cuddy in a state of nautical profanity.

”What be you up to, you young lubber?” he shouted.

”Submarine, granfer,” replied his youthful relative.

”No excuse for gybing,” continued the skipper. ”Do you mind what you are up to. Where be she?”

He shaded his eyes, expecting to see one of the British ”C” or ”E” cla.s.s running awash. Instead, he saw only the tips of the periscopes.

”Drat it!” he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed. ”'Tain't for no good. Anyways, we're too small for her to trouble about we.”

Apparently his conjectures were correct, for, with a feather of white foam, and a sullen swirl well in the wake of the periscope, the submarine disappeared wholly from sight.

”'Er's afeard of fouling our nets,” declared Old Garge. ”Now, if we gives the patrol-boat notice, an' that submarine is done for, there's fifty pun' at least for me. A matter of a couple o' months back my friend Peter----”

But what happened to Peter was a story that Jack Sefton was not permitted to hear, for with a quick, unhesitating motion the submarine reappeared at less than three cables' lengths ahead of the smack.

Shaking herself clear of the water, she displayed the unmistakable outlines of a German _unterseeboot_, although no number was visible on her grey conning-tower.

With remarkable celerity an officer and half a dozen seamen appeared from below, while at the same time a quick-firer was raised from its ”housing”, for'ard of the conning-tower, and trained upon the luckless _Fidelity_.

Steadily the U boat approached within hailing distance, then, making a half-circle, slowed down on a parallel course to that of the smack.

”Fis.h.i.+ng-boat ahoy!” shouted the German officer. ”Cut adrift your nets and run alongside, or I'll have to sink you.”