Part 14 (1/2)
Holding on her course, the _Fearless_ warned her consorts by wireless, and a heavy explosion long after told its own tale.
An even more remarkable incident occurred during the night. Several British light cruisers were steaming in line ahead when a severely mauled German ocean-going torpedo-boat was observed approaching.
Mistaken for one of our destroyers, the two leading cruisers let her slip past within the distance of a cable's length. The third, taking no risks, suddenly unmasked her search-lights and played them full upon the stranger. Caught in the blinding glare, her crew could be seen hard at work endeavouring to turn a pair of torpedo-tubes abeam--a task of considerable difficulty owing to the ”racer” being damaged.
The British light cruiser saved them the job in a most effectual manner.
Depressing her for'ard 9.2-inch gun, she sent a huge sh.e.l.l at point-blank range cras.h.i.+ng into the light-built hull.
A blinding flash, a huge puff of smoke, and all was over. The search-light played upon an expanse of agitated water where, five seconds before, a German torpedo-craft had been churning on her way.
Meanwhile the _Calder_ held resolutely on her course, ignorant of her position relative to the enemy fleet, and liable at any moment to ”knock up against” one of the German light cruisers.
Crosthwaite had now resumed command. His unconquerable determination had soared above physical injuries. He was not out for personal kudos.
Actuated solely by a desire to uphold the prestige of the Grand Fleet, and his own flotilla in particular, he was determined to hurl the _Calder_ between the hostile lines. It mattered little that the destroyer was unsupported--for long since she had lost touch with her consorts. Even if none of her officers and crew returned to tell the tale, he was confident that the craft under his command would play her part in a manner worthy of the time-honoured traditions of the British navy.
Presently a high dark ma.s.s was observed almost ahead and slightly on the destroyer's port bow. It was a hostile battles.h.i.+p. She was lying athwart the _Calder's_ course, with a considerable list to starboard, and proceeding at a rate of about four knots. Her foremast had been shot away, and with it the for'ard funnel, which in s.h.i.+ps of this cla.s.s is close to the mast. One of her two steel derricks had collapsed, the curved end trailing over the side. Long gashes in her armoured plates testified to the accuracy and power of the British gunnery.
Already the torpedoes had been ”launched home” into the _Calder's_ twin tubes. In any case the battles.h.i.+p must not be allowed to crawl into port, even if she should be incapable of repairs for months.
Crosthwaite was about to con the destroyer in order to bring the torpedo-tubes to bear, when the already stricken battles.h.i.+p gave a violent lurch, from which she made no attempt at recovery.
Farther and farther she heeled, the rush of water into her hull and the hiss of escaping air being distinctly audible above the howling of the wind. Her crew--or, rather, the survivors--could be heard as they leapt from the steeply inclined decks. There was no need for a torpedo to administer the _coup de grace_.
Five minutes later only the battles.h.i.+p's keel-plates and the tips of the four propellers remained above the surface, by which time the _Calder_ had left her well astern and was approaching the double lines of hostile light cruisers, whose indistinct shapes were just beginning to be visible against the patch of starlight that penetrated a gap in the inky mist.
A sudden blinding glare enveloped the _Calder_, causing her lieutenant-commander, quartermaster, and helmsman to blink helplessly.
Fairly caught by the rays of half a dozen search-lights, they were temporarily blinded as effectually as if their eyes had been bandaged with opaque scarves.
Fortunately Sefton's back was turned from the direction in which the destroyer was proceeding. The unmasking of the concentrated rays warned him. s.h.i.+elding his eyes, he turned and made a dash for the steam steering-gear, the wheel of which the helmsman was still grasping automatically.
”Hard-a-port!” shouted the sub.
The man made no attempt to carry out the order, but, slowly bending forward, collapsed upon the bridge. A fragment of sh.e.l.l had pierced his brain.
Pus.h.i.+ng the body aside, Sefton put the helm hard over, and the destroyer, screened by an intervening vessel that fortunately did not make use of her search-lights, entered a darkened patch between the brilliantly lighted areas on either side.
With her remaining guns spitting defiance at the hostile light cruisers, and launching her torpedoes immediately a target presented itself, the destroyer continued her devoted dash. Projectiles, large and small, hurtled overhead, while, rapidly hit again and again, she was soon reduced to a mere wreck.
The German cruisers had a fair and easy mark. Had their gun-layers been equal to the British, the _Calder_ would have been blown clean out of the water; but the terrible night had told upon their nerves. A wholesome dread of the British destroyers with their deadly torpedoes was present in their minds. Not knowing whether the solitary destroyer was supported by others of the flotilla, they were under the impression that the _Calder_ was leading a line of swift vessels, and the surmise was not comforting to the Huns.
In the midst of the tornado of sh.e.l.l one of the _Calder's_ torpedoes ”got home”, ripping open the bottom of a light cruiser and causing an internal explosion that tore her to pieces. So close was the destroyer that the terrific rush of displaced air was distinctly felt, while a dense cloud of smoke from the sinking cruiser, driving to leeward across the foam-flecked and sh.e.l.l-sprayed waves, completely enveloped the little craft that had dealt the successful blow.
”Take her out of action if you can,” exclaimed a voice which Sefton recognized as that of his commanding officer. ”I'm done in, I'm afraid.”
The cloud of smoke saved the _Calder_ from destruction, for, turning while still in the midst of the impenetrable pall of vapour, the destroyer slipped away from the rays of search-lights, and, doubling, literally staggered in an opposite direction to the one she had been keeping a minute before.
In vain the German search-lights swept the sea in the supposed position of the daring destroyer, until, convinced that she had shared the fate of their lost light cruiser, they screened lights and re-formed line.