Part 6 (2/2)
From the first Jovian the Martian turned away with an expression of disappointment.
”There is nothing in his brain but a scene of the fight with your followers, yet it may cheer you to know that at the last he felt fear, the emotion the Jovians boast is foreign to them,” said the Martian. ”I will examine the other.”
With his crimson ray he removed the covering from the brain of the second Jovian and connected his wires. For a few moments he was motionless and then he removed the wires and crawled rapidly toward Damis.
”Nepthalim, here is what you wish,” came his thoughts, jumbled in a chaotic state of excitement. ”This man had a wonderful brain and the impressions of the last month are clear and distinct. Attend carefully and leave your mind a blank.”
On the Martian plain buildings suddenly materialized before the Nepthalim's gaze. With a cry of astonishment he saw himself facing Glavour in defiance. Lura, who had been crouching behind him, ran into one of the buildings. Act by act, Damis saw the fight between himself and the Jovian Viceroy repeated. The Viceroy, one arm dangling uselessly, was whisked away in his chariot. The scene faded and another took its place. The Viceregal palace was beleaguered by thousands and scores of thousands of shouting Terrestrials. The Jovians sought with rays and with atomic bombs to disperse them, but where a score were blasted into nothingness or torn into fragments, a hundred fresh men took their place. Suddenly the Jovian rays began to fail. The Earthmen had found the secret source of power which supplied the palace and had cut it.
Again the scene faded and he was on a s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+p with Havenner talking to him. The words he could not hear for the Martian could not comprehend a record of a sound. The pictures conjured up by the words were easy of comprehension and in picture forms the Martian conveyed to him the sense of the conversation. Havenner was telling him of their destination.
First came a scene which he recognized as a Martian landscape. The Jovians swarmed from their s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+p and struck down the Earthmen without exertion. Three were made captives: himself, Turgan, and Lura.
The Jovians reentered the s.h.i.+p and sped away into s.p.a.ce. Damis wondered what this last picture signified.
Another scene materialized and they were on another planet. It was not Mars and it was not Earth. For a moment he was puzzled. The sun, when it shone, was larger and fiercer than he had ever seen it, but it shone only for an instant. Blankets of cloud and fog hid it from view. Rain fell incessantly. Lush, rank vegetation covered the ground and rose in a tangle far overhead. The Jovians emerged from the s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+p, the prisoners in their midst. A huge lizard, a hundred feet long, rushed at them but a flash of the disintegrating tubes dissolved it into dancing motes of light. The Jovians made their way through the steaming jungle until a huge city, roofed with a crystal dome which covered it and arched high into the air, appeared before them. Toward this city the Jovians marched.
”The crystal cities of Venus!” cried Turgan. Damis nodded in a.s.sent.
Again the scene changed and the Martian plain was before them. From the s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+p the Jovians emerged, but instead of the easy victory they had had in the earlier scene, they found the task a difficult one. From all sides the Terrestrials charged at them and Damis found himself fighting against his compatriots. A sword flashed before his eyes and the scene was gone.
”Have you learned that which you sought?” came a Martian thought inquiry.
Damis hastily formed his thoughts into an affirmative message of thanks and turned to Turgan.
”We know now where to go,” he cried exultingly. ”Lura is safe until they land on Venus and enter the crystal cities, for Havenner would not dare to do otherwise than carry out the orders of Glavour. The Martian weapons which we have will insure us an easy victory. Come, let us hasten.”
A thought message from the Martians stopped him.
”Those weapons on which you are planning, Nepthalim, were given to you by our Grand Mognac for the purpose of ridding your planet of your oppressors and of defending your planet against further Jovian attacks, not for the purpose of invading another planet with which we have no quarrel. If you will use them for the purpose for which they were given you, you may depart with them in peace. If you plan to go to Venus, the weapons will remain on Mars.”
”We will go to the Earth and rid her of her oppressors,” replied Damis, ”but first we must go to Venus and rescue Lura.”
”Venus lies beyond the sun,” was the Martian answer, ”while your planet and Mars are on the same side. It will take you five times as long to go to Venus as to go to the Earth. Meanwhile the Jovian fleet will have landed and your efforts will be in vain to dislodge them. Even now you must fly at your best speed to reach your planet before them.”
”But we cannot abandon Lura. She is the only daughter of my comrade and she is my affianced bride. She means more to us than does the fate of our planet.”
”Then go to Venus after her, Nepthalim, but go without Martian aid. Only to save you from your oppressors will we help you. Never has Mars attempted conquest of another celestial body, although not even Jupiter could stand against our might if we chose to attack it.”
”You cannot understand her relations.h.i.+p to us, Martian.”
”No, I cannot. We are s.e.xless and s.e.x exists on Mars only for the purpose for which it was intended, the perpetuation of our species. It may be that we have been mistaken. If the fate of one member of your species means more to you than the rescue of your whole race, it is perhaps well that you be eliminated by the Jovians. In any event, our decision is final. Make your choice of whether you depart with the weapons or as you came.”
”Then I will go to Venus,” cried Damis. ”If necessary, I will fight the Jovians with bare hands, but I will rescue Lura or die in the attempt.”