30 Chapter 29 (2/2)
”Alright, thanks for the information. I suppose it's not a good idea to confront him right now. I'm going to be gone for some time then, how will that affect my standing with the academy? ”
”Well, that's one thing I can help you with. There are circ.u.mstances where a foreign mage would come to seek residence in Leganon. In those cases, they are allowed to partake in the last year's exam but the mandatory service is still required. Therefore, I am fairly confident I could manage to let this fly with the council. ”
(Hmmm, that's better than nothing. So I could disappear for a few years and be back to serve in the Mage Corps. People most likely having forgotten about me by then.)
His mind set on the course of action, Wilfred thanked Primus for his advice and headed out. There was a lot to prepare tonight as well as trying to remember his SERE training.
The military unit he served in often operated abroad and capture was not an option. Survival, evasion, resistance and escape training was given to all units who operated overseas with emphasis on interrogation resistance training for senior officers.
Even though he did not intend to spend all of his time in the wild, it would be needed to some degree. The less contact with other people and the better his chances of pa.s.sing under the radar.
(Even if the baron wanted to help, I'd still be a target so this is better. First off, get home without being spotted. Then, get my share of the reward from the adventurer guild first thing in the morning. Buy a few things, I think I'll even splurge on a dimensional storage item.)
Keeping to the alleys, Wilfred made his way home and snuck in through the back. It was very late by then and Wilfred moved silently to not wake up anyone. The floorboards creaked under his foot but everyone was sound asleep. Getting into his room, he opened the window to let out his drone, intending to see if there was anyone watching the front of the house.
To his delight, all seemed very quiet and he could not spot anyone except a few drunkard walking back one. He watched long enough to be sure they didn't stick around and then went to bed.
He did not sleep long as much was on his mind. He would have to tell his family that he'd be hiding for some time. He also couldn't tell anyone where he might go since they could divulge the information under duress.
Getting up early at dawn, he began preparing his most important belongings for a long trip. He dreaded going downstairs that morning because he knew he would get an earful from his parents. It took some time but he felt more at ease thinking of them like parents now. Perhaps not biological ones but like in laws.
Steeling himself, Wilfred headed downstairs after hearing some noise in the kitchen. The first person he saw was his mother, preparing some food.
”Oh, good morning Wil. Have the time to be joining us for breakfast today?”
”Yeah. Very briefly though.”
His sister and father would be prepping the shop for the day before coming for breakfast in order to make sure everything would be ready.
(I'll wait for everyone to be here before I make the announcement.)
His mother prepared some kind of ca.s.serole, an a.s.sortment of leftovers from the previous day prepared for today. It smelled good and Wilfred closed his eyes, soaking in the scent. He rather missed his mother's cooking when he was at the academy. He made due with the regular fare served there, prepared for hundreds of students it lacked the touch of a caring parent.
The door opened and his father, Henry as well as his sister entered the kitchen. They were already sweating, having given a quick burst of energy to clean and prepare the shop for the morning shoppers.
There was a good amount of window shoppers that came by most of the time. They would look at the wares and try to negotiate the prices since Henry's shop was not quite famous. The quality of his work was good and quite often they did get a price reduction simply because a sale was better than no sale and he could not be too picky.
”Hey look who joins us today! ”
Henry walked behind him and put his hands on Wilfred shoulders and squeezed then ruffled his hair.
Wilfred waited till everyone was seated and was done eating before breaking out the news.
”Thanks for the great breakfast mom. So I Uhh, have some news. This is a bit hard to explain so I'll start from the beginning… ”
He then went and told his family all about what went on at the academy during the last year, the friends he made and how everything escalated up to the point where he now needed to go hide for some time. The hardest part was telling them he could not tell them where and how long he would be gone.
Wilfred's mother cried and hugged him tightly but ultimately they understood it was his choice and that he was capable enough to be on his own. They were naturally worried but knew they could not help him against a strong fighter or corrupt n.o.bles. Henry knelt down in front of Wilfred and looked him in the eyes.
”Well, we'll always be here for you son though, don't you forget it. If there's anything, you can come to us. ”
”Thanks. I'll also try to make sure they don't come after you to get to me, I have an idea. I… Love you guys. ”
They embraced in a large hug as a family, breaking apart when they heard many set of hooves in front of the house. Looking out the window, Wilfred saw a dozen armed knights and one large carriage, rather fancy looking.
A knock came at the door, loud and clear a voice boomed out.
”In the name of the royal family, open!