12 Chapter 12 (1/2)

The Soldier Mage Alteru 40360K 2022-07-22

This one's for Kingdom2618, thanks for the review! Also thanks to Aballer5 for voting, thanks for the support!

Loud banging woke up Wilfred from his deep slumber. Rubbing his eyes, he peered at the window where the bright light that was pouring into his room originated from. The banging at his door continued alongside shouts of 'You'll miss Lucy's matches!'. The gears in his head finally clicking together, Wilfred rushed to get dressed and opened the door, Lucius standing outside looking frustrated.

”You picked the wrong day to have a lazy morning!”

Wilfred tried to calm him down by waving his hands.

”I know, I know. Was just exhausted is all. Whenever I [Construct Artifact], it drains me. The mana comes back but it's like if I over exercised. Did I miss much? Let's go down right now and we can talk on the way.”

Wilfred closes the door and makes sure to lock it, his artifact weapons hidden in his room. Lucius starts the conversation as they head down the corridor.

”Well, at least we pa.s.sed.There's still Lucy to go but she's better than us at combat so she should be fine.”

”True but I feel like they have something planned to make sure she fails and is kicked out of the academy. We'll need to pay close attention. Say,I have an idea, do you think you can...”

Wilfred whispered his plan in Lucius's ear.

”Hmmm. I think I could. I haven't tried before though.”

”Well, it's worth a shot. The way they mentioned that Irena would like to see her in the matches makes me feel like it'll be rigged again. That teacher who does the matches must be in on it. How do they decide the matches anyways and who is that teacher?”

”Well, they're supposed to draw students and pair them according to the draws. It's not really looked over though since why would a teacher rig it? This year it's Nicolas Trechar, I haven't had cla.s.ses with him so I couldn't tell but he mainly deals with the third years.”

They finally reach the fields outside after coming up a staircase. The crowd is out in full force, even some spectators have come around to see what the second years look like. Higher up on the wall itself, Wilfred notices some people standing by and watching.

Were they here yesterday? I suppose I didn't really check.

Looking back on the spectators, Wilfred notices a few of them wearing uniforms, likely the factions that Primus hinted at. He would have to learn more about them, likely soon too, before they knew too much about him. In these kinds of kingdoms with less technology, things were usually violent and democracy is not an idea yet. If he was courted by some faction for his strength, perhaps another one would try to eliminate him as an obstacle.

Not everyone has the same goals. In truth, Wilfred would be mostly fine serving this country as well as he could, trying to keep enemies at bay and ensuring the prosperity of the citizens with his knowledge. This could rub the wrong way some rich merchants or power hungry n.o.ble that have other intentions than progress, which are their self interests.

From his experiences thus far, Wilfred did not think highly of the n.o.bles. They were pompous, patronizing and arrogant. To boot, they think lowly of those not n.o.bles and discriminate based on that alone. In Wilfred's mind, this is one of the worst things as even those born from poverty can have grand ideas and amount to great power. Especially in a world such as this.

Looking at one of the spectators, a man wearing a uniform that looked to be in his 30's, Wilfred decided to approach him.

”Hey there. Some good matches today?”

The man turned around at the sound of someone addressing him and looked around, seeing nothing he looked down and saw Wilfred.

”Oh, yes. Quite a few promising ones this year. It's more for the fourth and third years that I'm here though.”

”If I may ask, who are you with? ”

”Hmmm? It's obvious no? This is the uniform of the Leganon army. I'm here scouting potential new recruits. ”

Wilfred was visibly confused.

”But, we have to serve for 4 years anyways, you don't need to recruit us. ”

”Ahh. Perhaps it wasn't properly explained to you. Yes, all who graduate will join the army. However, as captains, we will select who joins our squads for that time. You do not simply join the mage corps, that's for after your mandatory service if you wish to stay in the army. Many go for more lucrative options such as adventuring or mercenaries to n.o.bles. I am looking for the best talent for my team. ”

”Ahhh. So once we graduate, then we have to get chosen by a squad captain. How does the structure of the army work though? ”

The man nodded.

”Squads are 10 plus the captain, with four being mages. When the mages are done with their mandatory service, we try to retain them obviously, the new ones take their place. Squads go out on patrols of their a.s.signed areas. We keep the more seasoned veterans on the main trading roads while the recruits get to experience the joys of monsters in the wilderness. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some matches to attend. Good talking to you though Wilfred, look forward to when you'll be older. ”

The captain knowing his name startled Wilfred a bit and he wondered who the man was.

”Thanks for answering my questions captain…? ”

”Alfonse. Captain Alfonse.”

The captain then went back to watching the matches.

Wilfred had many more questions for the captain but it seemed it would have to wait for another day he told himself, seeing Lucius out in the crowd wave at him to follow. Giving one last look to the people at the top of the wall, Wilfred headed towards his friend.

Wading through the crowd, they look around for Lucy, hoping to find her before her matches are over. Thankfully, Lucius manages to find her momentarily. Lucy has her arms crossed as is glaring menacingly at her sister on the other side. Wilfred speaks, drawing her attention to him.